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The Disappearance of a Viking Greenland Colony

greenland_ice_sheetThe Disappearance of a Viking Greenland Colony. (World Top Secret...Our Earth is Hollow source material)

In 985 A.D., Eric the Red discovered Greenland and subsequently settled it with Viking residents of Iceland.The Greenland colony thrived for several centuries, but then as Europe became embroiled in war and the disease of the plague, the Norwegians lost contact with their Arctic colonies in Iceland and Greenland. The last ship known to have returned from their Arctic colonies to Norway was in 1410. When the Dark Ages had past and Greenland was once again rediscovered with Hans Egede establishing the first modern settlement there in 1721, all that could be found of the original Viking settlers was their ruins and some of their animals. Even the Arctic author Vilhajalmur Stefansson in his book, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF THE ARCTIC, concluded that the disappearance of the lost Viking colony in Greenland was a mystery. The Viking colonists had apparently migrated further and further north where they found wild life and fish more plentiful, until they disappeared.

In an attempt at determining where the lost Viking Greenland colony went, Lt. Green , U.S. Navy (early 1900's) says he reviewed the Eskimo traditions. The Eskimos say the Vikings had migrated further and further north, then one day their men found a paradise in the north -- a place the Eskimo had always known about but stayed away from because they believed it to be inhabited by evil spirits. The Viking explorer parties had came back and had told the rest of their Greenland colony of their wonderful discovery. All promptly packed their bags, and singing songs, departed suddenly northward and never returned. The eskimo tradition is that over the ice towards the northwest, in the direction Admiral Peary sighted Crocker land and Cook sighted Bradley land, is a ..."land that is warm; is clothed in summer verdure the year around; is populated by fat caribou and musk-ox. It lies," they say even to this day, "in the direction of the coastal trail-route north."Lt. Green shows that trail on his map. It is located on west side of Greenland, and goes up around Ellesmere Island, and out over the pack ice in a northwest direction towards the land he claimed exists in the "Unexplored Area."

Jan Lamprecht has a map on page 193 of his book, HOLLOW PLANETS, showing the location and directions of sightings of mirages of anomalous lands in the arctic, which are not found on any current day maps. Taking these sightings and triangulating them towards the points towards which they were observed and from the locations in which they were sighted, gives us another indication where the center of the North Polar Opening most likely is located. North from the New Siberian Islands the Russians sighted the mirage of Sannikov land. Northwest of Ellesmere Island was the sighting of Crocker land by Admiral Peary, Lt. Green and MacMillan. Bradley land was also sighted in that same general direction by Polar explorer Dr. Cook on his way to discover the pole. From Alaska, from Harrison Bay, was sighted land also towards the north west by Captain Keenan. If we draw a line from each of these locations towards their respective directions in which anomalous land was sighted, we arrive once again at the location of the North Polar Opening centered on 141 E Longitude, 84.4 deg N Latitude.


According to the Ancient Creation stories, the First Race of the evolutionary round of mankind, started during the Age of Satya Yuga, known as the Golden Age of Man. In the beginning, the ‘collective’ man, Adam Solars, had no physical substance. They were of an astral form, an image, and astral double of their lunar ancestors, the seven Pistris, who reigned over them up to the Third Race or Round. The Imperishable Sacred Island was the cradle for this first man and will also be the dwelling place for the last divine mortal chosen for the future seed of humanity (Genesis 1 gives the account of this first creation)

The First Race gradually evolved into the Second and came to be known as the Adam/Eve or Jod/Heva. Their ethereal (spiritual) bodies of the First Race became clothed with a shell of physical substance. They inhabited the Hyperborean Continent during the Miocene Age, then having a tropical Climate. The Greeks of Homer claimed that this continent was ‘The Lands of the Gods’, the favorite home of Apollo, the God of Light. (An allegorical reference to this second creation can be found in Genesis II)

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