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Energy Update For Starseeds/Lightbearers
Written by Aurora Ray

As we dive deeper into the Aquarian Age you might notice that the ascension symptoms we used to have are now shorter in duration and more bearable unlike before. The negative murmurs in our minds are now easier to detect and subdue in their earlier stage. Our body sculpture is becoming more fit and athletic inbuilt.
We are continuously becoming more and more aware of the things we no longer need in our lives. The things that held us back for so many years are becoming clearer to be seen by now. The programming in our system is now easier to recognize and detach from.
We can now distinguish better who we truly are from whom this world would like us to believe we are. We can now easily see others who they truly are aside from their projection of themselves. We can easily view the 3-D reality from the detached calm perspective of merely an unbiased observer.
Some of you might be wondering if you are truly fulfilling your life’s mission right now. Each of one of us starseeds has their own reason for coming here. Each archetype has its own way of shining its lights. Some of us came here to expose the dark. Some of us came here to shine the light. Some of us came here to fight the dark with our light. Some play as conduits of light from the central sun to the heart of Gaia.
Some of us came here to transmute the dark into the light. Some came just to recognize the dark and the light and stand in balance. Some are here to meditate and share their inner light which actually tremendously helping in increasing the frequency resonance of this world. Some of us came here just to experience ascension in human form. Some are doing all of these. Some are just here to learn. Some came to experience ascension and assist others. Some came just to be and love whatever they have around them.
There is no right or wrong nor right or wrong path. All are just experiences we chose to have in this time-space reality. We are all eternal beings helping in the expansion and evolution of Source through Source’s plan creations. We have different paths. Different Missions. Different Soul Contracts. But we are all in this together. All we can do is to assist each other here as much as we can as we go to the flow of this ascension process.
It’s this process that we love to experience no matter how hard it is…it is the process of remembering who we truly are even if we immersed ourselves in the lowest/densest frequency field in the multiverse that excites us. That’s why we came. We knew that even one percent of this world can hold the light and ascend. It will have an unseen frequency ripple effect in the heart, mind, and soul of the collective.
Whatever it is…Know that you are doing what you came here for. Never doubt that… You are always loved and guided… and You are not alone... again...We are on this journey together, we just have to learn and have fun with it...It is challenging, but it is a great honor to any soul to be here at this point in time...Just follow your heart...Take care, all of you.
May the Source be with us all. Namaste.
Dezmein Bluray
Artist: unknown
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