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Crystals for Confidence + Self-Empowerment


We've all encountered moments in our life that bring us down and cause us to question our true potential. For some, it’s easy to brush off a small defeat and move on to the next challenge. For others, the time it takes to bounce back after a failure—small or large—can be much more long lasting than one would hope. 

One of the consequences we face after a let down is damage to our sacral chakra. A person’s sacral chakra is a powerful part of one’s mind, body, and spirit that aligns one with the world around them. When your sacral chakra is thriving, it offers you an uplifting boost of energy, fosters your compassionate nature, provides guidance, and helps you maintain emotional stability. This is why it is vital to staying confident in pursuing our passions. Oftentimes, if your sacral chakra is not balanced, it can cause negative effects in your life such as insecurity, self-doubt, and self-disapproval, which can inhibit you from accomplishing a set goal or believing in yourself to get a job done. 

If you find that your sacral chakra has been thrown out of whack and you feel as if your confidence is at an all time low, then we have a crystal formula to raise your self-confidence, self-worth, and self-empowerment. When you acquire a strong sense of self, you are able to reach your full potential and be the best version of yourself. Here are some of our favorite crystals for confidence that can help you rebalance yourself—because when your sacral chakra is working in your favor, you can run the world!

Raising Your Self-Worth with Crystals for Confidence 

  1. Carnelian—works to activate the first three chakras in order to cultivate your spirit of creativity. It is one of our favorite crystals for confidence and raising your self worth. Additionally, it is the stone of courage, vitality, sexuality, and confidence in action. It is very useful in restoring your sacral chakra and encouraging self-confidence. Many find it useful to bring on interviews or on the start of a new job to keep you on your A-game. This stone creates harmony between your mental focus and creative inspiration allowing you to work freely and efficiently. The presence of carnelian can also bring you luck and opportunity.
  2. Orange Calcite—balances the sacral chakra with its energizing properties that stimulates positive vibrations throughout the body. Prominent in boosting your creativity and sexuality. If you are in the process of brainstorming new ideas or seeking a solution to a problem, this stone is ideal for guiding your thought processes. Its healing properties are fueled by the sun and helpful for breaking out of old habits or overcoming shyness.
  3. Rose Quartz—the stone of unconditional love. It radiates gentle, soothing vibrations that regulate your emotions and restore your emotional nature after overwhelming events. It attracts harmonious, long-term relationships by opening your heart chakra. Rose quartz opens the gateway to your heart allowing you to be a vision of love and beauty.
  4. Sunstone—brings blessings, protection, and personal power. It embodies the light and happiness cast down to Earth from the sun. Sunstone gives you strength and nurtures your leadership qualities. As one of Earth’s healing stones, the sunstone truly reflects the energy of solar light and offers openness, warmth, mental clarity, and blessings to you and others close to your heart. The sunstone ignites your passion and energizes your sacral chakra to reinforce your willpower and rejuvenate your motivation.

How to Use Your Crystals for Confidence

Once you’ve found a crystal that speaks to your needs, there are many ways to use it in order to raise your self-confidence, self-worth, and self-empowerment. At any point in time, you may find yourself on the verge of self-destruct, but it is so important to remember how strong you truly are and how capable you are of succeeding in the goals you set. Of course the options are limitless, and we encourage you to find ways that are best suited for your lifestyle to utilize your crystals. By connecting with your crystals for confidence, you give yourself the opportunity to realize your highest potential and provide the strength and vitality to reach it. Here are a few simple ideas for how you can incorporate your crystals into your everyday routine that will bring you clarity and offer you any missing confidence, self-assurance, and self-empowerment that is essential to pursing your dreams!

  • Wear your crystals around your neck, allowing them to fall close to your heart. Let your crystal be a personal talisman to help remind you that you’re worthy. Be cosmically confident in everything that you do. 
  • Start your morning by connecting with your crystals for confidence through a simple meditation. Find a quiet space and sit comfortably on the ground, connecting yourself to the Earth. Hold your crystals in the palms of your hand or place it on the ground in front of you.
  • Place your crystal on your office desk at work, or throughout the rooms in your home to serve as a visual reminder that you are worthy and confident.
  • Carry your crystals for confidence with you in your purse or pocket to connect with their energy throughout the day. Each time you touch your crystal, visualize it bringing you luck and raising your spirits and self-worth.

While it can be far too easy to lose sight of everything you’ve gone though in order to get where you are today, the most important thing to do is to find the courage within to leave the past behind and keep looking forward. In order to do so, you have to let go of everything that went wrong in the past and instead focus on everything that has gone right. Your self-confidence, sense of self-worth, and constant self-empowerment is essential in promoting your success. Always remember to stay true to who you are, and keep steady as you face new challenges. There may still be a few defeats along the way, but so long as you stay mindful, nothing can diminish you inner confidence or deter you from pursuing your passion. 

Energy Muse jewelry pieces are designed with gemstone combinations that have a specific energy focus. They can aid you achieving wealth, finding love, enhancing performance and improving health. When you wear our jewelry and combine the energy of the gemstones with your thoughts and your own energy, a powerful union is created to help you achieve what you desire.
Credit: energymuse.com


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