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How to Open, Clear, and Balance the Chakras with Crystals

crystal chakras

If you want to be healthy, happy, and spiritually connected, it all starts with your chakras and bio-energetic system. Your chakras are power points or gateways into the human energy system. They receive energy from the environment, which is circulated through the entire energy system via the meridians. The seven major chakras are located in a centerline at the core of your body. Each one has physical, emotional, and mental correspondences, and they each resonate with a specific color frequency.

If you are experiencing an imbalance or challenge in some area of your life, it might indicate that one or more of your chakras could use a tune up. Chakras can become blocked due to unprocessed emotional energy, unhealthy mental patterns, toxins, negative energy, stress, past life and genetic line patterns, and other causes. An energy blockage in a chakra creates a deficiency in energy, which can eventually lead to dis-ease on a physical, emotional, or mental level. When certain chakras are blocked, it can cause the other chakras to become overactive to compensate. An overactive chakra can also create imbalances in your behavior and body.

Luckily, it is easy to open, clear, and balance all seven major chakras simultaneously with the right crystals. Each crystal holds and radiates specific frequencies of light and color. When applied to the right chakra, a crystal can open the chakra, regulate the vibrational rate, and bring its functioning into balance. Crystals can also help to clear and transmute blockages, promoting energy flow through the bio-system. I am pleased to have partnered with Crystals by Nature to offer two beautiful chakra sets, one with rough stones and one with polished stones. Both of them are powerful and effective, so I suggest choosing the set that resonates most with you. Here is a description of the stones in each set:

The Rough Chakra Set:

adriennegoff rough

Smoky Quartz (Root): Smoky Quartz balances and clears the root chakra, helping you to function optimally on the physical plane. It is a top level clearing stone that can transmute negative energy into positive and pure light. Smoky Quartz is perfect for people who feel spaced out or ungrounded, as it anchors you into your body and into the present moment. It is also offers energetic protection–providing energetic shielding and a greater sense of safety. Smoky Quartz relieves depression and is calming to the emotional body. It also relieves pain, stress, and tension. If you want to feel more at home in your body and in this world, Smoky Quartz is for you.

Carnelian (Sacral): Carnelian is the perfect stone for activating the sacral chakra and its domains of creativity, vitality, and sexuality. Its energy is like fire–it can clear away the old and energize areas of depletion. Carnelian is a happy stone of optimism and inspiration that can get all of your juices flowing. A stone of action, it helps you to overcome resistance and to make positive changes. It has a relaxing effect on your mental body and on all of your cells, while boosting the reproductive, immune, endocrine, and lymphatic systems.

Citrine (Solar Plexus): Citrine is the quintessential solar plexus stone, which is your center of manifestation and personal power. Citrine enhances your ability to manifest anything you truly want—love, health, prosperity, a new car, etc. Citrine clears lower emotions, patterns, and thoughts that would block your connection to abundance and to your personal power. It also cleanses your subtle bodies and aligns them with your physical body. Its radiant energy is like the sun: life-giving, warm, happy, powerful, and positive. Citrine gives you a confident, can-do attitude that helps you shine in all endeavors.

Rose Quartz (Heart): Rose Quartz is the premier heart chakra stone, perfect for treating all issues of the emotional body. First and foremost, it helps you to develop greater levels of self-love. If you are still carrying wounds in the heart from past experiences, Rose Quartz can help to clear and heal them. It fills your heart with its loving presence, comforting you and reminding you that you are precious and worthy. If your heart is closed as a protective mechanism, Rose Quartz can encourage a gentle opening and greater receptivity to love. It enhances your sensitivity and empathy, and it is also known to help attract loving relationships.

Aquamarine (Throat): Aquamarine is the best gemstone I have found for clearing, balancing, and activating the throat chakra. It helps your communication to flow and encourages you to speak your truth in the highest, most loving way. Aquamarine has a strong connection with water and is a top level clearing stone. Known as “the stone of release,” it helps you to let go of old attachments, patterns, relationships, grief, and other emotional states. It stimulates the endocrine system and glands, which can awaken your psychic senses, balance your body, and promote rejuvenation.

Amethyst (Third Eye): Amethyst is a must-have crystal for raising your vibration and activating your third eye, intuition, and psychic senses. In meditation, it can expand your consciousness so that you can receive clear guidance from your soul and spirit team. Amethyst serves the mental body by calming the mind and elevating your thoughts. It can also assist with memory, synthesizing intuitive information with logical reasoning, and decision-making. Amethyst has a balancing effect on the emotions, and it is a top-level clearing and protection crystal. It can help you release addictions, negative thoughts and energy, and unhealthy behaviors.

Clear Quartz (Crown): Clear Quartz radiates pure white light and contains the entire color spectrum—making it the most versatile crystal for healing, clearing, activation, and higher attunement. It can absorb, hold, clear, radiate, and regulate energy. It connects you to higher dimensions and raises your consciousness and energy. Clear Quartz adjusts to your immediate needs and brings in whatever frequencies are most aligned with your highest good. It restores your blueprint of perfection, while clearing and healing your physical, spiritual, and subtle bodies. Clarity is what Clear Quartz brings to you, so it can help you to discover and align with your highest spiritual path.

The Polished Chakra Set:

adriennegoff chakra

Black Tourmaline (Root): Black Tourmaline is a powerful root chakra stone that anchors you to the Earth. Known as the etheric vacuum cleaner, it can transmute many forms of unhealthy energy: lower thought-forms, negative emotions, psychic attack, entities, and EMF’s from your technology. It is also known to help release toxins, heavy metals, and pollution from the body. Black Tourmaline is also a perfect stone for grounding and protection. It helps you to remain present and focused, and it can increase your vitality and energy levels. Black Tourmaline can also assist you in releasing stress, tension, anxiety, and other uncomfortable emotional states resulting from challenging life situations.

Carnelian (Sacral): Carnelian is the perfect stone for activating the sacral chakra and its domains of creativity, vitality, and sexuality. Its energy is like fire–it can clear away the old and energize areas of depletion. Carnelian is a happy stone of optimism and inspiration that can get all of your juices flowing. A stone of action, it helps you to overcome resistance and to make positive changes. It has a relaxing effect on your mental body and on all of your cells, while boosting the reproductive, immune, endocrine, and lymphatic systems.

Yellow Fluorite (Solar Plexus): Yellow Fluorite is a highly structured and geometric stone that clears, stabilizes, and balances the solar plexus—as well as multiple levels of the being. It activates the solar plexus and connects it with your mental body and Divine will. This helps you to more quickly bring your divinely inspired ideas into physical manifestation. Fluorite benefits all of your subtle bodies. On the mental level, it clears old thoughts patterns and brings order, focus, and clarity to your thought processes. On a spiritual level, it awakens psychic ability and expands your consciousness. On a physical level, it is supportive in healing multiple diseases and physical issues; and on an emotional level, it has a clearing and stabilizing effect.

Danburite (Heart): Known as one of the 12 synergy stones for ascension, Danburite activates the etheric chakras and connects them to the heart. A stone of angelic attunement, it helps you to express higher levels of love in your daily life. It opens you to receive the highest possible frequencies of love from the Divine realms, and it removes blockages and fears around intimacy and love. It brings a sense of peace and well-being to your subconscious and is calming and soothing to the emotional body. It clears anxiety, anger, grief, fear, and other lower emotional states.

Aquamarine (Throat): Aquamarine is the best gemstone I have found for clearing, balancing, and activating the throat chakra. It helps your communication to flow and encourages you to speak your truth in the highest, most loving way. Aquamarine has a strong connection with water and is a top level clearing stone. Known as “the stone of release,” it helps you to let go of old attachments, patterns, relationships, grief, and other emotional states. It stimulates the endocrine system and glands, which can awaken your psychic senses, balance your body, and promote rejuvenation.

Super 7 (Third Eye): Super 7 is supercharged third eye crystal that is a combination of seven powerful minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz. It can awaken and enhance multiple psychic gifts, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, channeling, healing abilities, and more. Super 7 can facilitate deep past-life and karmic healing, and it has a purifying effect on all chakras and subtle bodies. It is a stone of connection and transformation that can increase awareness and alignment with your highest spiritual mission. If you are ready to take it to the next level, Super 7 is for you.

Apophyllite (Crown): Apophyllite is a sparking, high vibration crown chakra stone that commonly forms in cubes or pyramids. It has a high water content, making it an ideal conductor and transmitter of energies. It can channel and infuse higher energies and light codes into the crown chakra, while producing a clearing and stabilizing effect. Apophyllite can activate the pineal gland and psychic senses, and it helps to form a connection between the spiritual and physical realms. It assists you to clearly communicate with your higher self and guides, and to access and bring back useful insights during meditative journeying and dream work. It is a stone of clarity, purity, and peace.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for performing a chakra clearing and balancing treatment. You can easily do this chakra treatment on yourself, and you can also perform this as a basic crystal healing session for friends, family, and clients.

  1. Gather and cleanse the seven stones you will use. You could use running water, sage, salt, sound, violet flame, or any crystal cleansing method you like.
  2. Create a comfortable and clear space for the treatment. Crystal healing works best if you or your client can feel safe and relaxed. This treatment is done lying down, so it will work great on a bed, a massage table, a couch, or even on a blanket placed on the floor. You might want to diffuse some relaxing essential oils, dim the lights, and play soft, meditative music. I also like to smudge the room with sage to clear the energy.
  3. Call in help from your soul and spirit team, and set positive healing intentions. I always get better healing results when I remember to formally invite in my own soul and healing guides to assist. I ask them to help me in creating the highest healing outcome.
  4. Place each stone on its corresponding chakra. I like to start at the crown and work my way down. Place the Clear Quartz or Apophyllite at the crown chakra (right behind the head and touching the crown chakra). Place the Amethyst or Super 7 at the third eye chakra (in the center of the forehead). Place the Aquamarine at the throat chakra (at the base of the neck). Place the Rose Quartz or Danburite at the heart chakra (at the center of the chest). Place the Citrine or Yellow Fluorite at the solar plexus chakra (a few inches above the belly button). Place the Carnelian at the sacral chakra (a few inches below the belly button). Finally, place the Smoky Quartz or Black Tourmaline at the root chakra (on the public bone area if you are working on yourself, or between the inner thighs or on the hip if working on somebody else—to be respectful of his or her personal space). Don’t worry too much about getting each crystal in the exact perfect location. As long as it is close, it will work beautifully.
  5. Relax, breathe, and meditate. Optional: you can do Reiki, energy work, and visualization while the crystals are working. You could start at the root chakra and place your hands on or above the stone. Imagine pure white light flowing into the stone and chakra, and hold the intention that the perfect healing, clearing, and balancing energies are being infused into the area. Stick with this for a few minutes, or for as long as you feel guided to stay there. Then move to the sacral, followed by the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Doing this is optional and might enhance the healing, but know that the treatment will still work wonderfully even if you skip this part.
  6. Leave the stones in place for a minimum of fifteen minutes. It normally takes about eleven minutes for crystal energy to fully integrate into the chakras and bio-system, so fifteen minutes will ensure that they have had plenty of time to work. You are welcome to leave them in place for a longer amount of time, if that feels right.
  7. Seal the aura, and then remove and cleanse the stones. When you feel complete, imagine a bubble of pure white light that surrounds and seals the entire auric field. Take the stones off of the chakras, and be sure to cleanse them when you are done.

I hope you enjoy this chakra treatment, and that it benefits you in beautiful ways! It is a wonderful way to give yourself and your loved ones some energy, balance, healing, and a good dose of TLC.

If you are interested in purchasing these sets from Crystals by Nature, here are the links:

Adrienne Goff Collection Rough Chakra Set

Adrienne Goff Collection Polished Chakra set

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