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Purity and Astrea
Written by AndEl
Purity and Astrea - Elohim of the Fourth Ray
PURITY AND ASTREA are the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope, and wholeness. It is the flame of the Mother and the flame of the ascension–the desire to know and be God through purity of body, mind, and soul through the consciousness of the Divine Mother which embraces the natural laws governing all manifestation in the earth plane.
Purity holds the divine pattern of the perfection of the Christ for all that is in manifest form, focusing the white fire that is in the heart of every sun and atom–the pure white light out of which emanates the seven 'rays', or aspects, of the Christ consciousness. Blue is considered the feminine aspect of white because the white fire of Purity coalesces as blue in the Matter plane. Thus Astrea, the feminine complement of Purity, works twenty-four hours a day wielding the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame to free the children of the Mother from all that opposes the fulfillment of the divine plan held in the heart of Purity. Astrea personifies the Hindu concept of Kali, the demon-slayer.
Astrea - The Starry Mother
Also known as: Mighty Astrea, Elohim of the Fourth Ray, The Starry Mother
Astraea - The poet Virgil said that the constellation Virgo was named after Astraea - whom he described as the Starry One and as a Goddess of Justice and of Purity:
"Without Her no kingdom can long endure.
This is She who makes them all secure."
Some of the ancient myths described Astraea as having been the last of the Gods and Goddesses to remain with the Earth, after all the others had given up on it. She still held out hope that humanity would return to its original Purity.
Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray: Elohim of Purity
Divine Quality: Purity
Divine Ray & Sacred Fire: White, Blue
Office in Hierarchy: Mighty Astrea is One of the Elohim of the Seven Rays serving this system of worlds.
In response to our free will calls and decrees, Astrea consumes the psychic or astral substance in the atmosphere of earth, as well as in the individual aura.
Retreat: Near the Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia
Angels: Legions of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame. Legions of the Fourth Ray. Legions of Purity. Legions of White Fire.
Music Keynote: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner
Ascended Master Spiritual Retreat
The retreat of Purity and Astrea is located in the etheric plane over the Gulf of Archangel, the southeast arm of the White Sea, Russia. The retreat focuses the energies of the base-of-the-spine chakra of the planet. The etheric focus interpenetrates the physical plane on the nearby plains.
One enters the retreat through a large white pyramid that is aboveground. Three spires rise through this pyramid and above it; the center spire, extending through the capstone of the pyramid, is a yellow plume and the smaller spires on either side are pink and blue. One enters the triangular-shaped room and sees at the far end three large flame fountains of purity against the backdrop of midnight-blue walls. In the center of the room is the main staircase descending to a very large complex containing a network of classrooms, flame rooms, and a central hall.
Immediately upon descending the stairs, we see another self-sustaining fountain of cosmic purity. Its radiation is so brilliant that we feel we are in the presence of the sun itself. Passing around the fountain, we descend another flight of stairs into the hall of the Elohim. At the far end upon a series of ascending circular platforms is the throne of Purity and Astrea. The domed ceiling is a clear midnight-blue mingling with deep violet, while the floor beneath our feet is snow-white stone. Four pillars form a square within the temple, and two more pillars are on the stairs we have just descended.
Stone tables and benches in the same white material are scattered in geometric design throughout the hall. The white stone is used throughout the temple, tinted with the colors of the seven rays in order to focus the purity of the white fire and the Christ consciousness that is expressed through each of the seven rays.
Six flights of stairs, three on either side of this great round hall, lead to other flame rooms and classrooms, one of which emits an intense sapphire-blue radiance. Descending into this room, we stand at the entrance and observe the magnificent flame of purity in powerful concentration. To the left in midair is the whirling focus of Astrea's circle of blue flame, with the blue-flame sword, the pillar of fire, in the center. The velocity of the flame that forms the circle is so intense that it appears as if it is not moving at all; but we observe from the sparks of blue fire that are thrown off through the centripetal and centrifugal action of the whirling fire that it is indeed moving at great speed and with enough concentrated power of the will of God to cut through the most dense of any humanly misqualified energy.
If we ever needed convincing that the fire of God inherent in the very heart of the earth was sufficient to give mankind salvation, we have abundant proof here that God in us is sufficient to meet every crisis of our existence.
The Elohim have appointed hierarchs in charge of their retreat–masters serving on the blue and white rays. Their legions of white-fire and blue-lightning angels also tend the retreat and minister unto the flames.
You can make the circle and sword of blue flame practical in your life as Jesus Christ did to exorcise the boy possessed of a demon–the one who lay on the ground frothing at the mouth, whom the disciples could not heal (Matt. 17:14-21). As Astrea has explained, the disciples had attempted, again and again, to cast out the demon from that boy, and I tell you they exerted themselves to the fullest. But they lacked the faith and they lacked the knowledge of our octave of light. If my cosmic circle and sword of blue flame had been invoked around that boy by any one of those disciples, they would have found that that demon would have left on the instant and would not have remained for a second. This was the power of light which Jesus himself invoked. He invoked that energy of the blue flame, and it immediately fulfilled the destiny that God intended it to do.
The circle of blue fire invoked from the heart of Astrea is a dazzling blue-white fire that oscillates as two concentric rings of fire–the blue of Astrea, the white of Purity–interchanging frequencies at such a rapid rate so as to appear as the action of blue-white lightning flashing around souls, planets, solar systems, galaxies–wherever there is a need for the reinforcement of the will of God in the divine blueprint held in the white-fire core of being.
Whenever and wherever there is discord in any form, in any of its aspects, you should call in the name of the Christ to the Elohim Astrea: Lock your cosmic circle and sword of blue flame around the cause and core of that condition. Then see this circle of the sacred fire lock around the individual at the waist, around entire groups of individuals, around buildings, around entire cities, states, nations, and even around the earth at the equator. See this in your mind's eye as a ring of brilliant sapphire and diamond-flashing fire–its regular, almost geometric flames cutting away, like a buzz saw, layers and layers of discord and density. Then visualize the sword of blue flame as a pillar of blue fire perpendicular to the circle of blue flame, breaking the matrices of darkness, shattering force fields of disease, decay, and death. And above all, see the Elohim standing over each individual for whom you are praying, holding the sword of blue flame two inches from the spine and parallel to it.
This is the action whereby the Elohim demagnetize the being and consciousness of the individual of all anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Spirit manifestations, all sinister strategies of the fallen ones, and the serpentine energies of the carnal mind. Whenever and wherever you invoke the circle and sword of blue flame from the heart of Purity and Astrea, you can know with absolute certainty that an action of cosmic momentum is taking place.
Message from Astrea
through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, 1955 U.S.A.
Children of the One Eternal God,
I have come in answer to the heart-call of the people of Earth, and particularly at the request of the conscious students of Life, for the purpose of cleansing and purifying the astral and psychic realms of the effluvia that has been spewed forth into the atmosphere through the creative centers (thought and feeling) of man for many, many ages.
Due to the scales which mankind has made before his physical sight, he is not aware of the evils he has created through his individual experimentation with the creative powers of thought and feeling in his various embodiments through the long ages that have been. Little does he know also of the thought forms spawned in the secret recesses of his human mind, which have escaped the confines of his consciousness and float out into the atmosphere of the planet on which he dwells. There, these thought forms remain until they are drawn by the power of magnetization - or the activity of like seeking like - into strata of similarly-vibrating substance.
This discordantly qualified energy forms itself into strata, one piled on top of the other, like the layers of a cake, each stratum vibrating according to the quality of which it is composed, and growing larger and larger as more of mankind dwell, either secretly or openly, upon thoughts of impurity, passion, greed, etc.
People indulging in these activities not only add to the mass effluvia of the planet, but by the power of thought tune into the stratum vibrating at the same rate as that which they are generating at the time, and draw its mass evil into their own beings and worlds.
They are also held responsible by Cosmic Law for the injurious effect their action has upon the thought processes of their fellowmen who do not know how to protect themselves from these 'tramp thoughts' that are continually floating in the atmosphere, or how to control the process of natural constructive thinking and feeling. Very few of the people of Earth today, beloved friends, know how to use the creative centers of thought and feeling for which they were created, that is, to draw from the Divine Intelligence at the Heart of the Universe, through the indwelling Christ Self, magnificent Ideas and fashion those Ideas into form.
Very few such Ideas are ever magnetized by mankind in general from the Great Central Source. Far easier is it for men to absorb through the outer senses, through the written page, through the radio and television and through all the other types of outer pressure of learning and so-called education, those thoughts and ideas that have been used before. It is easier far to accept as a pattern for the thinking man, already established dogmas and credos, religions and scientific expressions than it is to shake the mind free of all the imperfection that has been, and return to the Source of Creation for Truth. That Truth can only come through incarnate life streams who, repudiating the discordant effluvia of the masses and the half-truths that have not brought Freedom to the individual or the planet, will stand within the Flame of their own I AM Presence, call forth those Divine Ideas of Wisdom and Balance, and then have the strength and tenacity to hold those thoughts and ideas within their hearts until the Holy Spirit has breathed life and enthusiasm into them in the feelings.
When those Divine Ideas have been matured in the Silence before they are presented to the world, you have not theory, then, beloved ones, but indisputable fact, for the blessing of the race!
How many inspirations, how many magnificent inventions, how many Cosmic Truths, have come forth from the Universal, into the minds of the few who are willing to stand above the masses! Yet, how many of these blessings have been lost because those few could not or would not 'follow through' by taking that truth or inspiration, holding it within the Light of the Christ, breathing upon it the Fire of Constancy, and then manifesting it to the world as fact. Instead, those fortunate enough to receive these Divine Ideas did not hold them long enough in secret, or perhaps they shared them while they were yet in the embryonic stage with others and so lost the idea through negative radiation.
So it is, beloved ones, that the beautiful world orders and Golden Ages perceived within the raised consciousnesses of the few, have not materialized in these latter ages. Why? The answer is simply because the ideas, unprotected by the ego who should have guarded and sheltered them, were torn to shreds as a carcass is torn by a pack of wolves, by lesser minds, before the ephemeral vision could be clothed in the substance of the etheric world and lowered through emotional stability and balance into the world of form.
In the physical world, you either have the man who will not think, who prefers (to use your modern terminology) to be 'brain-washed' by the particular sect, cult, 'ism', religious or governmental credo to which he belongs, or you have the man who wants to be a so-called 'individualist', pursuing an obstinate and dominating policy. I would counsel you to follow the example of the gracious Madonna, dear ones, and 'keep those things in your hearts' until they have come to maturity in the 'secret place' and be born of their own volition into the world of form.
Again and again, children of Earth, I call for the 'Middle Way', that is, the path between the too-credulous acceptance of half-truths and the rash experimentation with so-called 'cosmic truths' unverified by practical experience.
Bring these things together in the Light of your own Holy Christ Self, and, after you have had the manifest expression, then can you face all men. One of your great inventors could have talked for years about his ideas of harnessing the power of electricity with very little effect upon or enthusiasm from the masses. Instead he pursued the more practical method of waiting until he had first brought them into manifest expression. Then there was no need for him to talk, because his ideas, completed in physical form, spoke for themselves.
Jesus, that great and mighty Exemplar of Perfection, could have publicly proclaimed his Messiahship! Instead, He lived it. Through Him the dead arose, the sick were made well, the blind were made to see, and the deaf to hear. He coupled his private comradeship with God with practical manifestation in the world of form, and, when He began His public ministry, He was the magnificence of the Messiah in action.
Beloved friends, tonight we come into the atmosphere of Earth with but one purpose and one design - to clear the atmosphere, as well as your own inner bodies and auras - of the 'tramp thoughts and feelings' which form the blanket of energy men breathe in and accept as part of their own thinking processes.
All over this planet, there are individuals and groups of conscious students whose Forcefields, like pinpoints of Light in the darkness of the astral world, are calling for the mass purification of the race, as well as the individual mental and feeling bodies of the people.
Through the open doors of these Forcefields come the Angelic Legions at Our Command (the Elohim of Purity and Myself), and go north, south, east, and west, to transmute and remove those pressures of existing thought and feeling forms of impurity of every kind.
Why, you ask, have not these thought forms become disintegrated in the atmosphere? Because they are being constantly entertained and nourished secretly in the minds and feelings of the men and women of the race! You see, dear ones, a thought form dissolves more or less quickly, unless it is consciously invited into some human mind and fed by feeling. Eventually, through the service of the Angel of Purification, an unfed thought form is dissolved and returned to Primal Essence, where it can be used again by the Great Source that wastes not even the most infinitesimal portion of God's precious Life Essence.
However, when impure thoughts and feelings of sex, greed, selfishness, or any other discord you might name, are entertained by some members of the race, they live. The moment the last member of the race ceases to sustain the strata in which these discordant forms abide (by adding to them his own similarly-qualified energy), that moment, those mass blankets of evil will cease to be.
Now, I AM the Divine Complement of the Elohim of Purity. Therefore, it is the most natural Activity in the world for Us to render, in unison, this Service of the Cosmic Purification through the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies of the mankind of this Earth. . . .
. . . The service of the beloved Claire (the Elohim of Purity) and Myself, is the Transmutation and Purification of the energies of the Earth, its atmosphere, and its people. Here, the beloved Helios and Vesta directed Us to serve, and here have We abided from the beginning of the creation of the planet, holding the Perfection of Design that those Great Beings have visualized for this Earth.
Beloved Helios and Vesta designed this system, Themselves. They placed that Design and Pattern in the Heart of the Silent Watcher. The Seven Elohim, with Their Complements, then chose to look upon that Design Cosmically, and created the planet Earth through Our own particularly specialized Activity, using care always to observe the Divine Courtesy of deferring to the Will of Helios and Vesta, Who designed it in the first place.
The Courtesy of the Elohim might well be imitated by the people of Earth in relation to their association one with another, and may I add, in the case of so-called 'advanced' life streams, to the Great Beings who govern these Activities.
Now, when We chose to create this planet, We were Beings who had worked on other stars and planets. Mind you, We had seen galaxies so large that your blessed Sun, itself, would seem no larger than the head of a pin in comparison. We had seen Golden Ages, vast continents, great Temples and mighty Beings, the like of which I cannot describe to you in words. Yet, not one of the Seven Elohim said, 'Let Us add a Temple from the Realms of Alpha and Omega! Let Us create a continent like the ones We have seen in the Realms of Isis and Osiris!' Nor did We say, 'We have just come from the Milky Way, where there is a truly magnificent planet - let Us make the vegetation here yellow like it is on that!' No! It would be ridiculous, would it not? The Elohim of Purity, within the strength of His Cosmic Heart, held the Original Pattern of the God Parents unchanged. Every gently rolling hill, every peaked mountain, every beautiful sea, was designed to the smallest detail as Helios and Vesta wanted it - not as I, or Arcturus, or any of the other Elohim, wanted it. Courtesy, the particular Virtue of the Seventh Ray, is manifested in the Elohimic Builders, is manifested in every Sun of the System, is manifested in Nature, but, alas, is little manifested in man.
What, in the Name of Heaven, beloved ones, is man's soul or consciousness, but an accretion of human concepts? Think of it! Unascended man, who has not mastered the six feet of substance (the personal aura) in which he dwells, yet faces the Godhead in defiance of the Divine Will!
We come now into the atmosphere of Earth with one purpose in Mind - to render a Service of Purification to the evolving life upon it.
Through your acceptance of Our Presence, Our Radiation flows into every sanctuary, every group director and student of Life, into the leaders and members of every religious organization, into all constructive secular organizations, and through the mental and emotional bodies of all mankind, as well as into the animal and nature kingdoms, with the fully-gathered Cosmic Power of the Elohim of Purity and Myself.
In that Power, We say to all impure creation: 'Let go! Let go! Let go! Be thou dissolved! Return, thou, to the Purity of Primal Life Essence! Arise! And, by the Power of the Flame of Transmutation, ascend thou to the Throne of Helios and Vesta,' with a plea for forgiveness from the mankind of Earth that the Pure Substance which They entrusted to them to complete their Divine Plan in Beauty and Perfection should have been so defiled and debased in shadow!
Beloved Helios and Vesta (the God Parents of the System) have given the very Substance of Their Lives to Their creation. They have conferred upon the life streams whom They drew forth from the Realm of the Great First Cause, Their Own Intelligence and Creative Power, and have said to them, 'Go forth, children of Our Hearts, and weave out of Our Life Essence Happiness and Contentment for yourselves! Make of the beautiful planet, which has been prepared so lovingly for you, a Shining Orb, a place of Peace and Joy, a true habitat for Angel and God! Let its radiation flow into interstellar space, making a happy contribution to the Harmony and Music of the other stars and spheres!
As the babe nurtured in the womb of the earthly mother is part of her life substance, so is the energy We are redeeming now, part of the body of beloved Helios and Vesta. Oh, the dark shroud that Their beautiful, bright planet wears today is more than a reproach to the humanity evolving upon it! I would like to hide its darkness and it’s evil behind My outstretched arms and back! I should like to stand so facing those great and beneficent Beings of Love and (if it were possible) never let Them know what has happened to Their shining Hopes, their Happy Dreams, and Their Bright Visions - but, because the substance that has been so defiled is part of Their Own Body, They well know what has happened to it. Oh, man! How have you repaid this unspeakable Love?
As I stand here in the atmosphere of Earth I AM drawing into my own cosmic body of light the currents of impure substance from every part of its surface, and when it passes thru my aura it is transmuted into its own bright nature and returned, rejoicing, to the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta for repolarization. Thank you, beloved ones, for your attention! I now retire in favor of my beloved sister, Diana, who will address you. God bless you. ASTREA
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