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The Demarcation Line of Ascension Is Here


Now to Cross Over. How Will You Decide?

“Welcome! We are the Elohim from the heart of the Source of Creation! And we welcome You through to the other side of the Demarcation Line!

The energy behind your expanding Universe has replicated beyond the awareness of your current physical mind. By “replication” we mean the expansion of the Living Universe through a process of extraordinary speed and infinite possibility.

The expansion has begun and is otherwise known as the “Event” in some circles, given this name as a label for a linear time-based event when in fact the event is not a single event, it is not a definitive event with a beginning and end all in the “space” of “one moment in time”.  This is the human minds way of processing experience that is beyond the parameters of a third dimensional reality based in form and where energy is not really seen, heard nor experienced by the masses.

The awakened ones are those who are aware of their truth and their role within the Cosmos – the ones who DO know the truth of multi-dimensional existence and DO KNOW their own truth as Co-creators with the Source of All-That-Is.

Indeed, You are all co-creators with the Source of Creation!

You are co-creating in each and every moment.  This Creation shows the power of your ability to divinely interface with the Source of All-That-Is and is reflected within both your Heart and your Mind.

Your creation has always been perfect, given your Souls needs – there has never been any error.

However You are now presented with a different reality before you – One beyond the line of Demarcation.  It is Here. Now.  As a Divine Being there is only one ultimate choice to make now – it is important to reflect carefully before You make your choice.

Reflection means to be at rest – to be Alone – in the presence of one’s own Self, with nothing to DO and nowhere to GO.

It is the moment where Time Stands Still.

It is the moment where all Thought is Dropped.

Think of it as though you are holding your body and your mind in suspension or in a suspended animation.

Hold the Moment and from this moment of Peace turn to face your “Life” as a kind of Life Review.

Who are you spending your time with? Is there great love between those with whom you spend your time? 

What are you doing in your life, as a career or work path? Does this choice make you happy in the wee hours of the morning? 

Are you truly happy with where you are at in your overall life experience in this moment?

Is your life a great tapestry of beauty now?

This is the time of choice….  This is the time of Great Choice!  This is the demarcation point! The point where You either align with Your Soul now, or You do not;

As a dualistic expression there is always a YES or NO, there are no half measures;  Over many incarnations You have often chosen the road of half measures but this is no longer the best choice to make; The demarcation line brings forward the necessity to do it differently from previous incarnations, to bring forward the decision to bring forth the highest and best of YOU to this reality before You!  

Ultimately it is either a choice made FOR your Soul or for your limited illusory third-dimensional self and reality before you.

Many of you are on the fence wondering ‘what is it that I need to do?’  You need to choose, Now.

The demarcation point is the Shift.  The Ultimate Shift for humanity to embrace an ascended way of living as a collective.

The Shift means to DO, and SAY, and BE the highest version of Self as one can be.

The highest vibrational equivalent shows up in every action you take, every thought you have, every kindness you can bring to the life you have created in this moment, and all for the highest and best for the fellow Souls around you.

Take the brave step of stepping away from the “You” that you believe your Self to be!  

You are so much more than this!

As You step over the Line of Demarcation into the unknown of expanded living, no longer holding your breath, no longer fearing what others will say about You or think about You – because All this does not matter!  All that matters is YOU and how You will help your fellow Souls.

The Level of Divine Support then flows naturally from your decision!

As you decide to expand your abilities to live the Full life that you were meant to live, The Creation shall honour You in every single way, and if You open your mind, You will recognize the support of infinite love that comes your way.

Drop the idea that others are affecting your life.  It is You that is affecting your life creation!

Your life creation beyond the demarcation line awaits your sincerest approach and decision to embrace life in totality!

The highest Cosmic frequencies have arrived upon your Earth reality NOW –  They Are Here, NOW!

Embrace them with every thought, every word and every action from the fulcrum of your infinite Sacred Heart!  

The Divine Mind is also at an open frequency now and this affords You the ability to make the mental switch to choose differently than in the “past”.  It is simply a matter of Letting Go of all preconceived thought action, because “thought action” comes from a reality of form, where the physical body contributes to expression within that reality.  The reality beyond the demarcation line is a reality based on reflection, reflection being the stuff of a “magnetic based reality”, where buried within the speed of magnetism is the superconductive property that affords access to the Divine Mind, based upon Purity, Unconditional Love, Loving Kindness, Balance in All Ways and in All Things… It is the access to the Balanced Reality. There is no other way to Be within the expanded reality that is blossoming before you.

The Creation Loves You!

The Creation has brought to You the power of this moment – the deepest reflection moment You will possibly ever have had in your current life .



What do You see?….

All of Source of All-That-Is is here to be your Co-Creator, with You.

You are ONE with Source, NOW…

Live it!”

by Carla Thompson, May 6, 2018
Source Here 

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