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Master St. Germain: Enlighten, But Who?

Master St. Germain: Enlighten, But Who?

Conducts educational work in their own affairs. This quality of time challenges the individual to courageously advance self-healing, to heal profoundly by digging deep into the soul for the truth and searching for the light.

Becoming yourself is what it's all about now. This process leaves nothing out and brings everything to light; what has been repressed is made conscious and can heal. There is no advancement without transformation work.


JJK: I had a nightmare today! I saw how young men tortured and killed other people, including children, just for fun. Going beyond all imagination, I saw a rawness that I would never have suspected in people. Although hardly anything surprises me, the violence and reality of this dream were tough...

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: You have seen what people are capable of when they are dehumanized. You were shown man in all his inhumanity.

JJK: Warum?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: So that you have seen it, to strengthen your judgment and sharpen your discernment. Today it is important to be able to make the right assignments.

The spiritual scene is all too happy to bury its head in the sand and many people act as if the world outside doesn't exist.

JJK: Yes, but let’s not shape the world “out there” ourselves. Isn't it up to us whether such scenes become reality like in a dream?

Inconstant vibration fields

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: You can control, influence and direct a lot of things in your life. However, there are areas where you have no influence. This is the part that exists separately from you and by which you can still be touched again and again. That is the specificity of this time. Due to the fact that many vibration levels are currently interpenetrating and vibration fields are overlapping, things can mix into your life that you never attracted or wanted. It is important to recognize this in a timely manner and to react to it in a timely manner.

JJK: So evil and suffering can reach me?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Only if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's what it's all about, paying attention to the right timing with wisdom and consistency. As long as these inconsistent vibrational conditions prevail, mindfulness is the top priority.

JJK: People are capable of so much horror. This discourages me, the dream still has an effect...

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: You have seen what remains of a person when he gives in to evil. A human being is never capable of this, but not everything that has a human form is a human being.

JJK: How can you protect yourself?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN:You are protected.

What is important is that you recognize the full spectrum of entities and that you do not deny the evil and the degenerate.

Castles in the air

JJK: Shouldn't we concentrate on the good, the bright and leave the negative alone?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Concentrating on the good - yes - but not ignoring the negative.

You create your reality through your clarified consciousness, which is expressed in a pure and clear vibration. You achieve this through truthfulness. Ignoring levels is the opposite of that. Acknowledging something by really looking and only then letting it be - for many people, what shouldn't be doesn't exist.

The great transformation succeeds when people acknowledge what needs to be transformed and not by ignoring a part of life.

JJK: Should we do educational work about this? Recently I have been receiving many messages that say that we should focus on what is bright and leave the abyss behind.

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Conducts educational work in its own affairs. This quality of time, and this is also the effect of the messages you address, challenges the individual to courageously advance self-healing, to heal profoundly by digging deep into the soul for the truth and looking for the light. Becoming yourself is what it's all about now. This process leaves nothing out and brings everything to light; what has been repressed is made conscious and can heal. There is no advancement without transformation work.

It is now important to get many people who are on the spiritual path out of these castles in the air - and that is what this conversation is for.

JJK: To shine uncompromisingly within oneself, but to leave the enlightenment on the outside?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: For those who have chosen the spiritual path, this is the path.

You are blessed and loved beyond measure.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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