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Saint Germain: Break Free from Entanglement
Written by Chellea Wilder

Blessings, My Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain.
Thank you for this Transmission.
As we dive a little deeper into the Mysteries of our Reality, We come across concepts, that may be New, to Your understanding of your existence.
In our recent conversation, we discussed your many Guardians of Light, and how to connect to them.
Today, I wish to elaborate on just how it is, you are able to connect, and converse, with these Beings of Light.
I wish to dive into a New Topic, that is at the doorstep, of your Scientific exploration, and understanding. There are many of you who have activated your abilities to channel, in one way or another. But many do not know how this is able to occur. As your Consciousness Expands, So does your understanding, of your interconnectedness, with your Reality.
I wish to speak of a phenomenon, that surpasses the boundaries of conventional understanding, and delves into the realms of true Oneness, and vibrational resonance.
Your Science has named this Phenomenon, Quantum Entanglement.
But how does it tie into the practice of channeling Spiritual, and Galactic Beings?
In your understanding, of the Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement, it is a principle of quantum physics, that suggests particles separated by vast distances, can be instantly connected.
They can influence each other's state, regardless of the space between them. This phenomenon, explains the interconnected Nature of all things. Which defies traditional Human notions, of time and space.
As many individuals, embark on the journey of channeling their Guides, Angels, Galactic beings, and Ascended Masters, they are experiencing a profound Dance, of the interconnected Nature, of our Multiverse.
Channeling, is a spiritual practice that involves establishing a connection with entities from higher dimensions,
Learning how this takes place, opens up a gateway, to understanding the entangled web of energy, that binds all existence together.
When applied to the realm of channeling, Quantum Entanglement, gives the Knowledge, that the vibrational frequency of the channeler, plays a crucial role in establishing a clear, and harmonious connection. You must meet the same vibrations, of the spiritual entities, you seek to communicate with.
By attuning their energy to a specific vibrational frequency, channelers create a resonance, that aligns them with the frequencies, of the beings they wish to channel. This resonance acts as a bridge, that facilitates communication, and information exchange, between the channeler, and the entities, allowing for the transmission of wisdom, guidance, and healing energies.
The concept of Quantum Entanglement, in channeling, is the relationship between the vibrational frequencies emitted by individuals, during the channeling process, and how they connect, to The beings being channeled. This is how particles, become interconnected, in an entangled state, the vibrational frequency of the channeler, serves as a fundamental element, in forging a connection with the Higher Vibrational Beings.
The Entanglement of frequencies between the channeler, and the entities being channeled, creates a harmonious resonance, that creates a continuous connection, that communication can be delivered.
Understanding Quantum Entanglement, in channeling Higher Beings of Light, invites you to dive a little deeper into the mysteries, that surround this process. This is where you can really explore, the interconnectedness that binds us all.
As Your Science catches up with your Spiritual Evolution, you will begin to navigate, the realms of quantum physics, and it's spiritual connection.
As you are raising in more awareness, you are faced with a profound realization. Beyond the veil of the unknown, lies a tapestry of entanglement, that unites us all in ways beyond your comprehension.
Your new understandings of Quantum Entanglement, will serve as a lens, through which you can perceive, the interconnected Nature of all things.
When channeling your Guides, Angels, Galactic beings or Ascended Masters, it is essential, to attune oneself, to a higher vibrational state, resonating with the frequencies that facilitate a connection, with these entities.
As we continue to explore the mysteries of the Multiverse,
The Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement, expands your consciousness, in the understanding of the Entangled web of our existence, that binds us all as One. It is a reminder, that within the infinite tapestry of creation, we are all threads woven together in the cosmic dance of existence.
I surround you now, with the Violet Flame, engulfing you in Healing, Protection and Love. Allow it to Open you to a New Understanding of heightened Awareness.
May Peace, and Love, be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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