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Saint Germain's Secret: Embrace the Violet Flame
Written by Kate Woodley - Ascension Calling

For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from Saint Germain & The Ascended Masters.
Hello, our dearly beloved.
I am the essence of Saint Germain. I come in tandem with the essence of many Ascended Masters. We are always upon you, within you. We are here to assist you in whatever way you each need assistance.
What is the Violet Flame?
But I, Saint Germain, am here to speak to you of the quality of the violet flame, a flame that many of you have learned to work with, but a divine energy that in essence possesses far more potential, abilities, and capabilities than many of you are aware of.
It is the violet flame, which originally stems from the higher realms, not only the divine realm, but it is an integrated energy that originates from a number of different higher consciousness realms. There is the realm of divine love, and there are also energies of harmony and harmonization that move in and through this Divine Violet Flame. And when it becomes integrated into each individual’s energy field, it takes hold in the way that that individual needs. It is not the same for all individuals. Like all energies, it integrates with you based on your needs, but also based on your intentions. Remember, our dear ones, that your intentions and your focus energizes all energy — your own energy, as well as the energies that exist between you and all others, all other forms of consciousness and sentient energy, whether it is physical or nonphysical.
When you ask the Divine Violet Flame for healing, it is healing that you help energize and the divine Violet Flame becomes an amplifier of your own intention to heal, to improve, in whatever way feels right and in resonance with you.
In the same way that this divine violet flame can amplify your needs, your focus, and energize your intentions, it can also be projected and transmitted to those around you and also amplified and co-energized by their intentions, beliefs, and desires. The Violet Flame is a divine grace. It is a blessing. It is an energy that once becomes enmeshed and completely combined with one’s energy field is capable of a great many things. Like all energies, it serves to mirror, amplify, reflect and reinforce. And as such, it is very important that when you are working with the violet flame your intentions are clear and you are very anchored and grounded within an energy that serves not only your greatest good, but the highest and greatest good of all those that you wish to bestow within this violet flame on. It is a carrier energy, an energy that originates from the higher realms that you can each bring onto yourselves with tremendous ease for all you need is the intention to receive, embrace, and allow this energy to take hold. What we will say is that this energy, for many, has been nothing short of miraculous.
The Violet Flame Creates an Energetic Bridge
We wish for you to know that, like all energies, like all results, it is a combination of your intentions mixed in and combined with higher divine intentions. Remember, our dear ones, the Universe, Source and the divine Beings are here to support you in your journey. As the saying goes, all you need to do is ask and remain open. And we invite you to remain open without any specific attachment as to how, when, or where, what you wish for will unfold. The art of receiving and embracing is complete with its own light energy coding that is not always within the purview of your consciousness but are most often within the purview of higher consciousness. And so, oftentimes it is a higher ordained consciousness that is superimposed above and beyond your own conscious thoughts, intentions, and beliefs. And this higher level of conscious intention and energy encodement is what creates the bridge between that which you intend and that which you want, moving it into a realm of potentiality and manifestation. The ability to bridge your desires and intentions are made easier through the proper navigation and embracing of the Divine Violet Flame. It reinforces the divine connection between you and the higher realms, and again, it can be projected forth through your thoughts and intentions to those around you, and as such, why so many have leveraged and accessed the Violet Flame for healing, for harmonizing, for creating an energetic arena and space for harmony, love, and divine energy. It is unlimited and it is infinite. It is one of many bandwidths of frequencies that you are all invited to play with, to work with, to simply embrace.
For starters, you may simply ask that this energy moves in and assist you in a way that aligns with your highest good, even if you are uncertain or unclear as to what it is that you specifically need. It is about learning to invite and embrace this Violet Flame. Through inviting and embracing as all energies are amplified, you learn to embody this frequency more consistently and more fully, making it easier for you to continue to work with the Violet Flame and all energies. All energies are as unlimited as your scope of intentions and beliefs. They amplify what is within you, and also what is within you to acknowledge, to achieve and to experience.
I am Saint Germain. I come with love. And we, the Ascended Masters, are here to assist and with that. We invite you to work with us.
Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters
For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from The Galactic Federation.
Kate & Kare The Ascension Calling Team
Channelled through Kate
Our mission is to help awaken and raise the collective consciousness of humanity. By connecting with incredible, other-dimensional Beings, we share messages of universal wisdom and encouragement. These compassionate Beings are here to assist and guide us all in our ascension to a greater existence.
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