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Saint Germain: Apex Of World History
Written by Jahn J Kassl

Because this earth, with an impressively high number of people, has reached a point where it no longer allows its abuse.
There are more and more people who no longer want to have anything to do with the dark machinations and who move mentally and emotionally out of this matrix. Today, conditions on Earth are completely different from those in 1278. The dynamics of the Earth's energetic charge have reached a level unimaginable for you in recent decades. On the one hand, certain events are impossible today, but other events become compelling. The luminous visions of more and more people will and must manifest themselves, following the law of resonance. What you are experiencing today is that the old energies are leaving this stage – and they are doing so with a lot of fanfare.
The Battle of Marchfeld
JJK: In August 1278, on the plain between Dürnkrut and Jedenspeigen, Rudolf of Habsburg, King of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Bohemian King Ottokar II Přemysl faced each other. The Battle of the Marchfeld, in which, according to historiography, troops of 30,000 men each faced each other, was one of the largest knightly battles and was intended to settle the dispute over the inheritance of the Babenbergs. Ottokar had to admit defeat in the end and was probably killed by his own men on the run. Rudolf, however, laid the foundation for the Habsburg dynasty.
Today, almost 744 years later, I had the clear inspiration to go to Dürnkrut and see the plains on which this battle took place. At the same time I visited the baroque castle in Marchegg in Lower Austria and the current state exhibition. On the trail of the events of that time I left at 14 pm and reached the extensive plains of the Marchfeld 1 hour later.
Suddenly, I felt transported back to August 26, 1278. In my mind's eye I saw the battle, the knights and men who fought on the battlefield, soon writhing in blood or died miserably. An incredible slaughter of man and animal, which I could perceive and see inside. Crying, I sat at the wheel of the car and drove – as if under hypnosis – over the vast country, which spreads there for kilometers. So much misery, suffering and tears, so much hatred and pain, blood and brutality...
And suddenly I was back in the here and now. I thought of the war in Ukraine and in general of the many wars that have taken place since the Battle of Marchfeld.
Have we humans really learned nothing from the past epochs? What is wrong with those European politicians who today boastfully demand arms supplies to Ukraine? Don't these people know what that means?
Even today's politicians were incarnated before this life! Maybe someone even took part in the Battle of Marchfeld! Are the consequences of wars so suppressed by the current rulers that they no longer have a clue about them? Can they just not remember? What is wrong that so many, there are too many for me, talk about peace, but mean war?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Loved ones, you are in God's hands – at all times, at any hour. You are human beings in God's hands. Do not be afraid, but be full of self-confidence on the path that is destined for you. To your experience:
You have been rehearsed a battle in which you were significantly involved and you have followed the call of your soul so that you can bring healings and experience healing yourself. The time had come. This process is still ongoing and will be completed during the course of tonight, during your bedtime. To your conclusions:
The cloak of oblivion
Indeed, the great cloak of oblivion has spread over the politicians you are talking about. They, too, have experienced wars, misery and agonizing death on a battlefield. Most people, however, completely elude this memory in this life.
The difference with you and people who have a finer perception of it is that some have redeemed their issues and dismissed their dramas, while others do not want or cannot look. Furthermore, among this last generation of politicians of the old order, there are many people who consciously cooperate with the light-poor powers, as they have not yet exhausted the degree of lightless experiences. Their blindness is intentional and so the suffering and misery that every war produces cannot open up to them.
JJK: That's terrible! They just keep going – right?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: No, they will be stopped! Because this earth, with an impressively high number of people, has reached a point where it no longer allows its abuse. There are more and more people who no longer want to have anything to do with the dark machinations and who move mentally and emotionally out of this matrix.
Today, conditions on Earth are completely different from those in 1278. The dynamics of the Earth's energetic charge have reached a level unimaginable for you in recent decades. On the one hand, certain events are impossible today, but other events become compelling. The luminous visions of more and more people will and must manifest themselves, following the law of resonance. What you are experiencing today is that the old energies are leaving this stage – and they are doing so with a lot of fanfare.
JJK: So why are there still so many wars? Why is so much injustice happening? Why is there so much hunger and suffering, even among children – or especially among children?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: We live in a time of upheaval and we are now walking through a dimly lit tunnel. That passes!
The Birth of Love
JJK: However, during this time, things sometimes become unbearable. Instead of the light finally showing up at the end of the tunnel, it threatens to get darker and darker on Earth – and new dramas are constantly opening up. Evil seems to be everywhere and it appears almighty!
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: This even more acute situation must reach the point where the pendulum swings in the other direction.
When this apex of world history is reached, we leave the tunnel and the New Earth shows itself to us in all its beauty and splendor.
A time that produces so much inhumanity serves only one purpose: to see what you were and who you really are, to see what must be banished for all time, and to feel that this darkness can only be overcome and healed with the light of your love, with your compassion. What is born in the hearts of people because of the current situation on earth is LOVE.
JJK: What can you still give us humans at the moment? How should we behave now that everything is breaking up and falling?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Look back on the past in love and, if it shows up to you, heal the wounds of time. Nourish your inner visions of the New Earth and nourish them by establishing within yourself an unshakable kingdom of peace. Do not let anything or anyone lead you to discord or hatred! Keep working on yourself, within yourself and with yourself – and one day, like a ripe apple falling from a tree, you will fall out of time. Expect the unexpected! The unexpected is miracles that await the Earth and yourself now. Dedicate all your aspirations – linked to God – and your whole life to love, love for yourself and your wounds that need that love.
Through your excursion today, open collective wounds have been healed and souls who have been stuck there since have been released into the light. A former battlefield became a place of forgiveness. The light can now spread there too, just as it can now spread and anchor itself in you, beloved person who follows these lines.
Let your light shine in all ways and that means: Love those who need love, and love where there is a lack! Dark times turn into the light and what remains dark leaves the earth – irrevocably and eternally.
I love you infinitely
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