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Saint Germain - Our Gifts

Saint Germain - Our Gifts

Dear children of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

Bringing you gifts is something that brings us great joy, but at the same time we always need to be very careful, because the way you receive them is not always the right one.

It's important to always remember: We don't solve anything; we don't bring anything; we don't eliminate anything. If, when we give you gifts, some things start to resolve, to work themselves out, it wasn't the gift that caused it, it was the combination of the energy we brought with your own energy. So don't put all the glory on the gifts. You are causing it. Trust, faith, the certainty that there is an extremely high-vibration energy there that will help you achieve what you want. But always remember, what you want is good for you and for the Whole.

You have become accustomed to putting all your strength, all your certainty of a solution to every problem into images, objects and rituals, as if you didn't need to do anything. Put the request there and give it into our hands; give that object; give that image the solution to the problem. And you don't have to do anything. Just wait, and always complain when it doesn't come.

So I'm sorry to tell you that nothing happens without your intervention. Nothing happens without your dedication. Nothing happens if you don't want it to. Let's say you're going to bake a cake and you forget to add yeast to it. What will happen? The cake will be small, the same size as the dough that was created; it will be dry, it will be ugly, we could say, because you didn't put into it what makes it grow; what makes it soft, fluffy, tasty, which is yeast.

So in the same way, you need to put faith, trust, certainty in what you are doing. You don't have to throw what you want at us or at anything else. You have to be willing, but willing from the bottom of your heart. And most importantly, the desire for something that is good for you and for the Whole. There can be no selfishness. There can't just be "I"; "This is good for me!". No, it has to be good for you and for the Whole.

So accept our gifts, yes, of course, but accept them as an extra pinch of yeast; it's not them that make the cake rise. It's you who make the cake rise. And when our energy meets your energy, ah, then a fluffy, tasty cake is produced, which will feed you and everyone. Do you understand? We can do nothing on our own.

We're giving you the opportunity to improve the dough, to make something tastier. But if you don't add the yeast, our strength will be useless and the cake won't rise. Do you understand that? Our strength, our gifts work together with your strength, together with your energy. Let's say that our gifts amplify your energy. And if there is no energy from you, nothing happens, that gift has no function.

Stop throwing everything into our hands for us to solve. There's no such thing, because we can't interfere with your free will or your path. But if you ask for something that is good for you and for the Whole, and you ask for our help, and we actually see that you are committed to it, we help you, we amplify your energy so that it happens.

It's not us who make it happen; it's your energy that has provoked the reaction. We could say that we just catalyze the process. Wanting something means wanting it with your heart; it means having a heart full of joy, full of Light, full of laughter, for what you're asking for. Asking for the sake of asking has no leaven. Asking for something out of selfishness has no leaven. Asking for something against your neighbor, that's not even mentioned.

Asking for something just for you will depend a lot on what you're asking for. If what you're asking for is indirectly good for the whole, we'll put more of our energy into it, otherwise not. So learn to use our gifts. Don't think we're giving you gifts to make your life easier. Every gift we give is to amplify what you are creating; what you are co-creating; what you are desiring.

Don't use our gifts as..."Oh, I'll ask and... the energy will do it by itself", because it won't do anything. We are not errand boys. We are not your employees. We are beings who amplify your energy. We don't give anything for nothing. We always give, but there has to be at least your energy, your will, your heart.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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