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Saint Germain - Pay Attention to What You Are Propagating
Written by Vania Rodrigues

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
At this moment my heart is filled with joy and with much glory. The process is moving quickly, transformations are being made. What I realize is that within your world, there will always be the opposite, there will be something that tries to dismantle, there will be something that always tries to tarnish every thing we say, every thing we do.
The tools of those who still maintain control of the planet today are working in full force. They are studying, planning, acting 24 hours a day to cast doubt, to cast fear, to cast hopelessness, disharmony. Unfortunately they succeed, because the vast majority are involved in this same energy, they are connected to it and they receive all this load of fear and hopelessness.
So it's like everyone sits down, everyone relaxes, there's nothing else to do, just wait for the hour of death. There is no more reason to fight, there is no more reason to fight, there is no more reason to change anything, nothing to happen… changing everything only makes it worse. This is the great intention of those who command your planet. Yes, they still rule, because the biggest weapon they have is still active. Many of you may ask us, “If you are powerful, why don't you do anything?” And I answer: Who has the power to turn on your television, who has the power to choose to hear what is said there? So it's not up to us, imposing on you not to listen, not to listen to what is being said.
It's up to each one to realize how evil that energy is, how destructive it is and take the attitude of turning off the button. So we can't do anything, it has to come from you. But unfortunately, the great mass understands that it is there that they learn and that they follow what happens in the world. Follow, learn? Learn what? Celebrating violence, celebrating evil, celebrating all attitudes against the Light. I ask each one of you: if you only heard news from the Light, would you watch it or would you be disgusted, tired of seeing so much that you don't have ? No, you wouldn't see it, because many would even rebel and say: "I can't have any of that, so why keep showing it?" However, beauty, Light, beautiful things are available to everyone, but you don't know how to see it that way.
So when you are shown violence, then you accept it because it is part of your day; the confusions you accept because it is part of your day; the meanness, the intrigue, the gossip you accept because it fills your day. So don't blame those who created this medium, don't blame them; because the power to choose whether to turn the button on or off is yours, not theirs. It's like a big tube of molasses in the middle of the forest. But that tube is a big deception, because whoever touches that honey becomes dependent on it. And then at first, no one has the courage, until the first one plays, and everyone realizes that nothing has happened. But they fail to realize that the one who played the first time can no longer take his hand away, he was trapped, tied up, intoxicated, addicted to that honey.
And so were you. You got addicted to everything you hear, you like to follow the violence. Then many will be able to say: “No, but I need to know how my world is?” For what? For you to feel afraid? Or you should be worried about your walk, about your trust in the beings that protect you and forget about the outside world. You should be concerned about your health, your food, what you emanate. But no, you are concerned with following what is said, with receiving that energy, with sharing and sharing that energy with many.
So you hear anything, you hear anything, you propagate anything. It is rare for those of you who, when you receive news, seek to see the truth, seek to investigate, seek to see the source, who produced it. No, you take it and spread it, because supposedly for you the news is good. But is she real? You don't even know, you looked, identified within your point of view, that it was true, so let's spread it.
What if I told you she's not real? And now, what did you do? You have placed the same thought in the minds of many. How to take it off now? How far did you spread it? You will have control over it, you will be able to say one by one: "Look what I went through was a lie, don't believe it". No, you no longer have that control. And those who heard what you sent will not have the opportunity to know that it is not true, because you will not be able to find them. But you do it all the time, it feels wonderful to you.
One asks his own heart or asks his masters, is the news true? No, nobody asks. You go out spreading. Of course, believing all that to be true, wanting to spread the good news. Good news? Coming from where? Do you know? What's the source? It's true? Do you know? Did you try to hear yourself in your heart if there was a positive energy there or would it be a deceptive energy? No, you don't think, you want to spread it. We have said here many times, many times, that you need to pay close attention to what you hear and what you read. But this keeps happening, you don't stop to analyze what you're reading or listening to, you just spread it around.
So I'm going to put an image in your mind. If you just kept quiet, the whole process would already be much further along. Because there would be no propagation of deceptive energies, false energies. It's as if we were in a big hall, each one of us, Beings of Light, is there inside that hall, cleaning every point of that hall, every little bit, every point on the wall, every point on the ceiling. It's all shining, all wonderful. And then someone comes with mud-spattered feet and enters this hall. And he realizes much later that he should have noticed what was in that hall, that it was being cleaned. But that person didn't see it and walked in with mud-spattered feet and when she looked back, she noticed the mud on her shoes. And she has no way to clean that, because she has nothing on her hands to clean.
And then, at the same time, other people are also coming in, bringing dust, bringing in dirt from outside and dirtying that hall again. Because for them, that clean salon is not important, the important thing is that they have somewhere to walk. They're not worried that they're messing up the hall, they're not worried that someone will have to clean it up again. And many will still think, "Such a huge hall, why can't we walk inside?" And he will call others: “Enter! Let's fill the hall." And the dirt will spread again.
This salon is your planet and the people are you. Then we clear the layer of negative energy. And what do you do? They propagate the same energy. Why? Because they can't tell what's right from what's wrong. They cannot differentiate whether that news is true or not. I wouldn't tell you it's discouraging, because we don't propagate that feeling. If we were human beings, I would tell you that we would give up, because we've been cleaning this hall for a long time and you keep getting dirty. But we don't give up, we keep going. Now, each one of you, precisely through these thoughtless and untimely actions, is attracting more negative energies to yourself. That news that you think is wonderful, that is true, you consumed it because you focused on it, and worse, it spread,
So you don't seem to learn. We clean and you dirty. It doesn't fit here anymore, I keep teaching how to distinguish a true news from a not true one. This time has passed. We have said and taught many ways for you to detect this. But you think you're too good, you think you're too ready, you think you're already in the Fifth Dimension. So, upon reading anything… “No, this is true!” And passes on. And then I ask you: Tomorrow when you find out it's not true, what will you do? Will you sit and cry? I tell you it won't do much good, you'll have to ask forgiveness from every citizen you deceived by sharing that fake news. Yes, you provoked it.
The topic of the moment is Gesara/Nesara. I will say nothing. It is not yet time for me to come here and talk about it. Nor will I say what is true and what is not. It is up to each of you, at this point in your journey, to know how to discern what is true and what is not. Knowing not to let the ego fill up, the ego taking the lead, putting together ideas in your mind and thinking everything is right. I will say nothing. Is what you are hearing or reading correct or wrong? I will say nothing. It is no longer up to me, nor to any Being of Light, to teach you to discern what is right from what is wrong, from what is true from what is false, from what is news that comes from the Light, from what is a news that does not come from the light, no longer fits.
We'll keep cleaning that hall, forever if need be. And each one of you will have to learn, over time, to realize that that hall needs to stay clean and go into it barefoot, not dirty anymore; be a quotient of addition to that cleansing energy. So don't expect a position from me, don't expect me to say that “a” or “b” is right or wrong. It is up to each of you to learn to listen to your heart, not your ego. Don't make your own decisions, and spread it to the world. If you believe in something, keep it to you, because tomorrow if it's not true, you haven't hit anyone. Now if it's fake and you spread it, for sure, you'll get back what you did. Because you weren't careful, you didn't listen to your heart, you didn't listen to your masters before you spread that news.
So it's not up to us anymore, to stay here repeating indefinitely what you already know, it's not up to us anymore. And we have said and I will close by repeating: The news of the revelations will come. And do you think that at no time will you imitate us? At no time will they try to do something like what we're talking about, saying it's us? What prevents them from doing this? They already put our images in the sky, what stops them from putting us on their devices saying something? Nothing. Now it's up to each of you to hear that and feel it with your heart. Then yes, I can say, I and all of us, that you are ready for the Fifth Dimension.
So if you still don't know how to do this, I suggest you learn. And I say more, quickly. And stop spreading the news. You still don't understand the gravity of this act that you keep doing. You still don't understand. Maybe one day, up ahead, when you realize the harm you've done, you'll learn. Now, will there be time? Will there be time for you to still get back on that road? Because you did an action and every action always has a reaction.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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