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Master St. Germain: God's Plan Is Fixed!

Master St. Germain: God's Plan Is Fixed!

The dystopias can no longer be realized on this earth! The dream of the dark powers to turn life on earth into a nightmare for people can no longer be asserted.

The reality of a de-soul humanity optimized by artificial intelligence is excluded for the time line you have chosen! Even if these scenarios currently contribute to your everyday life in a threatening way: GOD'S PLAN FOR EARTH IS FIXED!

Dystopias can no longer be realized!

Beloved people!

You are in GOD'S hand! Always be aware of this imperishable and eternal truth: YOU ARE IN THE HANDS OF GOD! In this way you will master this time safely and with confidence, because GOD is by your side and in the middle of your life.

  • Don't waste thoughts on death or life because your life is eternal.
  • Do not fall into cloudy daydreams or a dark mood, because your eternal soul is inviolable.
  • Do not be afraid of the future, because your work in the present leads to the desired result.

Dystopias can no longer be realized!

The dystopias can no longer be realized on this earth! The dream of the dark powers to turn life on earth into a nightmare for people can no longer be asserted. The reality of a de-soul humanity optimized by artificial intelligence is excluded for the time line you have chosen! Even if these scenarios currently contribute to your everyday life in a threatening way: GOD'S PLAN FOR EARTH IS FIXED!

Today the signs point to a bright change and the storm that is ready to end the „ un-light “ hustle and bustle is already unleashed. What has already been decided at the levels of the fourth and fifth dimensions is decided these days at the level of the third dimension density of creation.

Here on earth the struggles are fought, which have already been decided at higher levels. Because long before this last fight was unleashed here on earth, the course was set for a positive development in the more subtle dimensions of 4D and 5D.

Now the pillars of the new earth are being struck! And it happens in a mitigated way, in a way that spares a world war or even the demise of this civilization. Faults happen, but cataclysms that wash away and devour everything are no longer part of the transformation in world affairs.

This time is up, because a lot of people have learned their lessons and they have understood that they are rising in a different way today, to defend and to distance themselves from the malicious activities.

Waiting for the wake-up call

Responding to hatred with hatred or violence with violence is no longer an answer today. And so people have unsubscribed from the system internally, they are no longer there internally.

Many, although they hardly show anything on the outside and continue to play their role in the system inconspicuously. These people are waiting for the global wake-up call, waiting for the critical mass of people to be reached.

And this critical mass is formed by the processes of consciousness that GOD triggers within people, day after day. Therefore you become more and more, because in silence this indispensable basic work and preparation for the loud bang happens.

As soon as the critical mass is reached, you will rise up in a previously unimaginable way and express your collective human NO to all plans of the self-forgotten elites.

The slaves will lose the old system, because your refusal is extensive, will be communicated clearly and will be underpinned by action. In the end, those forces that have devised a non-human future for you will consume themselves. Disagreement, discord and jealousy are the first and visible signs of this.

This day of humanity's self-empowerment is not far away. Therefore your future is certain and it is a bright one! The earth will peel out of the sheathing of destructive forces and people will free themselves on this matrix.

What has to be seen by then will happen.

Because even if the transition takes place in the care of GOD, certain events are necessary so that the old can be said goodbye and the new can be born.

But you are protected, protected and led through this time – by GOD and by your omniscient SOUL.

Keep in touch with yourself and stay in close embrace with GOD.

The end will be the new beginning.

In perfect love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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