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Master St. Germain: War In Europe?
Written by Jahn J Kassl

Interview with Master St. Germain
It is about the war that the forces of cold light have unleashed against humanity and man himself. This is the core issue of the current disputes at different levels.
However, more and more people see through this and they are ready to face this conflict. Courageously and fearlessly, they stand up for themselves, for their children and grandchildren, a great blessing that manifests itself here and which unfolds great power, especially in Austria. For you are many and you are growing every day!
Military transports through Austria
JJK: I had the following dream. Throughout the night, infinitely long convoys of vehicles with military equipment and foreign insignia moved through my dream world. Loaded onto trains and on motorways, this convoy of tanks and cannons rolled across Austria. I asked myself, "Where is this device going—and are we at war?" (End of dream)
I will now pass this question on to the spiritual world of light ...
Master St. Germain: I embrace you and every person who follows this message now with my love. You have seen what you have often perceived even when you are awake.
JJK: Yes, now I remember. Recently, when I am on our motorways, I increasingly see that military equipment, which clearly does not belong to the Austrian army, is being moved. But this is not happening to this extent.
Master St. Germain: The extent shown to you in the dream indicates that this can happen in the future. The dynamics of war will also increase in Europe. Although it does not come to the extreme in the end, this world walks on the edge of the abyss.
JJK: Does that mean that she really wants us to experience a war in Austria?
Master St. Germain: You are already part of a war, not as a theatre of war in the traditional sense, but as a hub for war materials and espionage. The armed war is emerging in parts of Europe, but will not spread across the continent. Austria will be affected, but will remain protected and protected in a special way.
The bigger picture
Actually, it's about a bigger picture.
It is about the war that the forces of cold light have unleashed against humanity and man himself.
This is the core issue of the current disputes at different levels. However, more and more people see through this and they are ready to face this conflict. Courageously and fearlessly, they stand up for themselves, for their children and grandchildren, a great blessing that manifests itself here and which unfolds great power, especially in Austria. For you are many and you are growing every day!
The restrictions on freedom at all levels, the manipulation of people – that's what it's all about. The types of warfare are different, but it's always about fear.
Only through fear can people be tempted to behave inhumanely and encouraged to abandon themselves.
AI as a "Golden Calf"
At the moment, everything is being taken to the extreme! More and more fears are intended to unsettle more and more people until they resignedly bow to the yoke of artificial intelligence.
Humanity is to merge with this intelligence. For those who reject God, a "golden calf" and a new concept of God are to be created.
The special thing about this time is that the dystopian timeline is now created in the same way as the timeline of the ascension of an awakened humanity. Due to the fact that both developments take place SIMULTANEOUSLY on ONE Earth, there is so much chaos.
Before some detach themselves from the others, there is this struggle in which the forces of cold light want to "manipulate" as many animated people as possible into their world and take them into their future. That is the real dispute.
These are the plans for humanity and they are plans that fail in the face of truth in very many people!
Heaven and Inner Earth
This brings us to the luminous aspects of these disputes:
- The light conquers and it conquers as more and more people make this possible. With all the dangers, deceptions and fears that are now being poured out: There are more and more people who are NOT deceived and NOT let themselves be guided into fear.
- Heaven comes to your aid! In the greatest need, aid is most powerful. Count on God, that's what matters now – and this inner connection to the divine is also activating more and more people. This is your powerhouse for steadfastness, courage and perseverance.
- Your brothers and sisters from Inner Earth are ready to take you in if necessary. What has been announced to you is happening – it is imminent.
So do not be afraid for a moment.
Because even if it sometimes seems hopeless, as humanity progresses through the necessary learning experiences, you as an individual are guided by God and protected by God.
Why should suffering happen to you if you no longer have any suffering programming in you?
The scenario is: Humanity rises above the abyss. The same remains the same and those who have recognized themselves are recognized.
In infinite love
Master St. Germain.
Translation by
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