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5 Ways In Which Depression Transforms You Into Your Best Self

5 Ways In Which Depression Transforms You Into Your Best Self

Depression is a severe mental disorder, and it is tough for someone who hasn't been through it to understand. Depression is nothing like normal sadness; it is an overwhelmingly negative and hopeless state, accompanied by self-loathing and lack of interest in anything.

Depression can take a significant toll on a person's life; it can ruin one's career and make it impossible for them to participate in normal social life. In severe states, depression can even lead to self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

However, out of all the negativity that accompanies depression, there is also a hope of fighting through it and coming out the other end as a better version of yourself. Therefore, to raise the concerns of anyone suffering from this curse, here is how beating depression will make you a more reliable person.

Battling through depression will make your mind stronger:

Depression is a complicated disorder to battle through, and no matter how much the psychotherapists and your supportive friends try, at the end of the day, you are the only one why can get you out of depression.

When a person is depressed, they are overwhelmed with negativity, and taking any decisive step towards their treatment and betterment requires immense mental strength. When you battle depression, you overcome these negative thoughts with your sheer will.

Taking these positive steps, when you are fighting major depressive episodes, conditions your mind to work through hardships and look at the bright side of things even when everything is gloomy and hopeless. Therefore, though depression may make it seem like nothing will ever be pleasant again, you can take solace in the fact that it will make you mentally more reliable and more resilient to negativity.

Battling through depression will make you more compassionate:

Battling through depression will make you more compassionate:

When you fight through a mental disorder as severe as depression, you experience humility. Depression can make you cry in public. You may have to leave a friend's party because of a panic attack where these actions will make you feel ashamed of yourself when you are depressed when it will make you humbler and more compassionate towards others who are going through these diseases.

Usually, we try to hide oil emotions, we try not to be vulnerable, but when battling a severe depressive episode, we don't have this luxury. Experiencing such mood swings, and overwhelming emotions in public, around my social peer taught me a lot about humility and compassion.

Now, when I see someone else going through the same problems, I can identify that the cause is depression. I can understand how they feel because I remember the way I used to feel. I can understand their emotions and help them express them in a supportive environment.

While fighting depression, I joined a support group, where others helped me, and now, even though I have beaten depression, I still attend meetings because I feel compassionate about others who are depressed. I try to help them the way others helped and supported me.

Battling depression allows you to love yourself for who you indeed are:

Though self-loathing is a common effect of depression, fighting through it will help you love yourself more.  There are many reasons why a person might be depressed, but the social standards that are imposed on us also play a role. We are continually trying to make others like us when we can work to love ourselves for who we are.

We change our personality to cater to the impossible standards of our peers, we develop fake personas, and are impacted so much by the opinions of others.

Where depression is a very horrifying disorder, fighting through it does have some positive impacts, one of which is that you can love yourself regardless of the opinions of irrelevant people. You can identify who your truly supportive friends are, and whose suggestions and opinions you should value.

Therefore, fighting through depression makes you a better person, and allows you to love and appreciate yourself with your quirks and qualities.

Depression allowed me to appreciate the small things.

Depression is a disorder where everything seems gloomy and sad, you are unable to find happiness and joy in anything, and even the happy moments are overshadowed by the feeling of sorrow, anger, and self-loathing.

However, when you use treatments for depression and go through cognitive behavioral therapy, you learn how to focus on the small positive thoughts and actions occurring around you. You can find joy in small things, and be more positive once you have fought depression.

Appreciating small actions and things can help you live a happier and more satisfying life.

For instance, I started using cannabis as a natural alternative to antidepressants. While using weed, even small things were able to make me laugh, and I genuinely believe that I had a significant role to play in my treatment. Write cannabis Canada on google to find some online cannabis dispensaries if you also want to try out cannabis and an alternative to antidepressants.

Battling depression made me more confident in my strength:

Battling depression made me more confident in my strength:

Battling through a psychological disorder as severe as depression requires a lot of mental and physical strength. It is not easy, but once you have defeated depression, you will feel a lot more confident in your mental strength. You will know that you can battle through anything that life throws at you.

Having such confidence in your mentality can allow you to navigate through the hardships of life and come out on top.

Final thoughts:

Depression is undeniably a very severe and detrimental psychological disorder. Though it may overwhelm your mind with negativity, battling through it will allow you to be the best version of yourself and help you develop a more positive outlook on life, and develop a stronger mentality.

Therefore, if anyone suffering from depression is reading this post, I want to assure you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope, and you will emerge a better person out of these hard times.

Author’s bio:

Currently a student of English Literature, in her final years, Carolina Martel is passionate about writing her thoughts in words. She takes up writing projects in her leisure time to accompany her studies. Generally, she understands the essence of writing on every topic but especially those that relate to her field. She regularly writes at https://shadedco.com/.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by David Martin.

© 2020 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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