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If CBD Hemp Flower Is So Bad, Why Don't Statistics Show It?

If CBD Hemp Flower Is So Bad, Why Don't Statistics Show It?

The legalization of hemp products has risen exponentially over the past decade. Public opinion on hemp products like CBD hemp flower is shifting from negative to positive with its popularity. However, some people still hold to the view that the products are bad.

CBD hemp flower is derived from the hemp plant. The trichome and bud of the hemp plant are dried to make hemp flower. You can smoke the flower when dry or mix it with food. It is sold alone or in rolled joints.

Despite the controversy that surrounds the CBD hemp flower, market statistics say something different. “What do they say?” you’d ask. Well, this is what this article is about. We’ll take you through the current CBD statistics and what they mean about the hemp flower.

Why Are CBD Hemp Flower Popular? 

CBD hemp flower refers to cannabis with acceptable THC levels of less than 0.3%. It has traces of THC, and taking it won’t make you high. Unlike CBD oil, the hemp flower comes with extra cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, such as cannabimovone (CBM), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabigerol (CBG). These extra cannabinoids are responsible for the entourage effect.

Because of its beneficial effects that help treat chronic pain and other conditions like anxiety, states and countries are legalizing it. The passing of the 2018 Farm Bill was a significant step in the advancement of its use. The legislation made it legal to cultivate and use hemp products like CBD hemp flower that contains less than 0.3% THC.

As a result, cultivation technologies are advancing, resulting in new exciting varieties of hemp flowers for vaping, smoking, or making edibles and other extracts. The demand for the products is also on an upward trend. According to Brightfield Group, the U.S. CBD market will hit $22 billion by 2022, with the CBD hemp flower at the core of this growth. 

If CBD Hemp Flower Is So Bad, Why Don't Statistics Show It?
Image source: Pexels.com

Important CBD Hemp Flower Market Statistics

In the foreseeable future, the demand and production of hemp flower will keep rising. Since the 2018 Farm Bill, the uses of hemp-derived products as gone through the roof.

Hemp Business Journal reports that the US CBD hemp flower market will be over $646 million by 2022. However, Brightfield disputes that the market will hit a record high at $22 billion by 2022.

Here are other useful statistics that give meaningful insights on the wide use of CBD hemp flower:

CBD Usage Statistics in the U.S.

  • 64% of the U.S. population are familiar with CBD products. (Gallup, 2019)
  • 33% of adults have used CBD at least once. (SingleCare, 2020)
  • 22%of users for preferred CBD over prescriptions (Consumer Reports, 2019)
  • Of all the users, CBD was widely used for insomnia (42%), anxiety (49%), and pain relief (64%). (SingleCare, 2020)
  • Google searches increased by 125.9% from 2016-2017, by 160.4% from 201-2018, and reaching a record high at 6.4 million searches in April 2019 alone. (JAMA Network, 2019)
  • The area planted to hemp in the U.S increased from 25,713 acres to 78,176 acres from 2017 to 2018. (Food Business News, 2019)

CBD Sales Reports in the U.S.

  • Colorado leads among other U.S states in total sales since 2014, with over $1 billion sales. (CNN, 2019)
  • California, Florida, and New York topped in sales in 2019, at $730 million, $291 million, and $215 million, respectively. (Statista, 2019)
  • The hemp-derived CBD and cannabis market may enjoy a mean annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49% by 2024. (BDSA, 2019)
  • Among CBD users, those who use it regularly spend about $20-$80 monthly on CBD products, and 13% spend over $160 monthly. (Brightfield Group, 2019)

CBD Hemp Flower and Overall Health

Many CBD hemp flower enthusiasts are grateful for their life-changing therapeutic effects. The product also has its fair share of skeptics who claim it’s all hype. But the statistics show how many people are benefiting from the hemp flower and other CBD products. If CBD was so bad, why don’t statistics show it?

Research studies also back the claims of its positive effects. It is a rich antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent capable of treating chronic conditions like skin diseases, cancer, heart diseases, and autoimmune diseases. Most users also find it appealing because it’s a natural alternative with no severe side effects.


It’s clear from CBD statistics that its use cuts across the population. With more people cultivating hemp, CBD hemp flower products are everywhere. The market is lucrative and generates more revenue and is set to soar higher in the future. More people are adopting healthy lifestyles appreciating natural and organic products like the hemp flower. Users have a lot to gain from CBD hemp flower compared to the risks associated with it. So, you may be right to conclude that it’s not that bad after all.


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"Kimberly Dawson a content specialist who frequently writes about Kratom, Cannabis, and other alternative pain relievers."

Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca  by  Kimberly .  © 2020 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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