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A Guide To Smokeable Hemp Flower
Written by Jackson Stonewall

In its essence, CBD hemp flower is just like any other cannabis bud. Only it won’t make you high or render any psychoactive effects, as is the case with anything containing THC.
Both popular cannabis strains - Sativa and Indica have THC content that can range anywhere between - 10-25%. THC is the cannabinoid that is available in abundance in cannabis. It’s the very thing that may leave you feeling ‘baked’ if you aren’t careful enough.
This is where things get tricky. People want to tap into the therapeutic goodness of cannabis plant without the unwanted ‘high’ or mind-altering effects. That’s where CBD hemp flowers or buds come into the picture. They carry little to no (less than 0.3% THC content) as per federal guidelines. That’s why intoxication from smoking or consuming CBD hemp flower in any form is almost impossible.
Can CBD hemp flower make me high or addicted?
As long as you can vouch for the quality of the stuff, meaning it complies with federal guidelines in terms of THC content, there’s no way one can get high or become addicted to CBD hemp flower. Let’s just say that 99% of the time, you won’t get high. The remaining 1% variability depends on the accidental high traces of THC in the product. Even in that case, the effects shouldn’t be so strong as to hit you hard. At best, they should be only mildly euphoric.
The whole thing is a long shot, considering CBD in itself acts as an antidote to the ‘high’ effects of THC. But, again, it’s hard to make any concrete statements or guarantees when it comes to cannabis or its derivatives. The important thing to note here is that if you can buy CBD hemp flower from a trusted source such as IHF LLC hemp flower, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Moving on to whether or not CBD flowers are addicting, it’s a tricky question to answer. Although the chances are slim to none, seeing how some people may abuse things, anything is a possibility. That’s why the responsibility falls largely on the user. However, under the right dosage, with the proper precautions and the right product, it shouldn't become an addiction. It’s definitely not habit-forming like other cannabinoids such as THC. You are also highly unlikely to notice any physical bodily withdrawal symptoms.
What are the risks of using CBD hemp flower?
Anything that’s heated to the point where it turns into tar is apparently, to some degree, harmful for health. However, compared to all the other alternatives - smoking or consuming CBD Hemp flowers or buds is a way safer option. It’s definitely preferable over cigarettes, hookahs, tobacco, and other products that are loaded with tons of harmful chemicals and carcinogens. It’s not advised for those with respiratory issues, children, pregnant women, or elderly with serious health issues. But, other than that - CBD buds are largely safe for consumption. Those with any health concerns can opt for CBD oils instead.
What health benefits do you stand to reap from CBD hemp flowers?
High CBD hemp flower can any day be preferred over any other CBD product. Why? Simply because this is CBD in raw form. It’s not yet filtered down or processed to any other form wherein many of the essential terpenes and cannabinoids are destroyed. Translation? You are consuming it in the most potent and unadulterated form. In terms of the benefits, while there are still ongoing studies, some research data suggests that CBD may help with -
- Inflammation and pain management
- Stress and anxiety
- Chronic pains
- Sleeping issues
- Appetite stimulation
- Period pain
- Etc.
Let it be known that most of these benefits are not backed by scientific research. Most of it is word-of-mouth publicity and based on anecdotal evidence. However, some studies like this one suggests its potential for pain management. Another one highlights its promise for managing anxiety and stress.
Can CBD hemp flowers and buds be used recreationally?
Simple answer? Yes, you can. In fact, many people do use it primarily for recreational purposes. Of course, you stand to harness all of the medicinal benefits too by smoking it. But, you are also likely to feel calm and relaxed and overall enjoy a wholesome, pleasurable experience. Many people simply can’t calm down after a long tiring day until they have had a jolt of smoke.
It’s better to switch to CBD to get that same feeling and sensation, only far less damaging and more therapeutic.
Can you fail a drug test after consuming/smoking CBD hemp flower?
Again, it’s hard to make any promises with 100% conviction. If you are confident that the product you smoked or consumed for sure contained less than 0.3% THC content, then you can never fail a drug test. However, if, by any chance, the product exceeded the THC content, it could influence the results.
Know that drugs tests don’t look for CBD levels. They are designed to detect THC. In theory, if a person consumes CBD in ridiculously high amounts, there's a good chance that the THC content could build-up in the system, thus triggering positive results for the drug testing. But, again - that too is a long shot.
Your best bet is to buy from a trusted source and limit the intake to reasonable amounts to never fail a drug test.
Final Thoughts
All and all, CBD hemp flower is promising stuff that you must try out at least once in a lifetime. Make sure to exercise all the cautions and do buy it only from a trusted and reliable vendor.
Jackson Stonewall BIO:
Jackson is an editorial assistant at, a premium supplier of CBD Hemp extracts that are sold for various health, fitness and many more lifestyle purposes. Being working as an editor, Jackson is also responsible for studying hemp effects on various health issues. Connect with through Facebook.
This article was submitted exclusively to byJackson Stonewall
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