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The 3 Biggest Disasters in CBD Oil History

The 3 Biggest Disasters in CBD Oil History

You need to know the truth about CBD to find out about its numerous benefits. While used primarily as a pain relief substance, this natural product is also used to treat depression, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. CBD oils will serve as an excellent remedy for several conditions, so make sure to check these CBD oils out and try them as soon as possible.

However, CBD has been and still is a controversial topic. Although most people don’t know a lot about it, they disregard it as a drug and see people using it as substance abusers. In addition to this, even CBD users have some misconceptions about it, which can cause easily-avoidable side effects. Because of this, CBD misconceptions are the greatest disasters hitting the CBD industry even today.

Let’s review the three biggest misconceptions related to CBD and why they’re not true.

1.      “CBD Oil Is the Same as Marijuana”

CBD is often used as a synonym for marijuana and vice versa. That’s a huge mistake since these two substances are widely different. Although both cannabidiol (CBD) and marijuana are extracted from the same plant, the hemp plant, they don’t have the same molecular structure.

Namely, CBD contains up to 0.3% THC, and marijuana contains much more. That makes CBD a substance that’s not psychoactive due to its low amounts of THC while having all of the beneficial features of marijuana. Essentially, CBD can’t get its users “high” as it doesn’t have mind-altering properties.

Closely connected to this is the legality of CBD. While marijuana is still illegal in most places around the globe, CBD isn’t. That’s because of CBD oil’s low THC levels, making it legal in most countries around the US and Europe, as it’s used for its therapeutic properties.

All these differences in legality, molecular structure, and use make marijuana and CBD almost opposites. The hemp plant is the only thing these two substances have in common.

2.      “CBD Oil Is Only for Sick People”

CBD oils are often used to treat various conditions, disorders, and issues. Some cases have identified CBD’s therapeutic properties as excellent for treating serious epilepsy and multiple sclerosis cases. Not only did CBD oils alleviate the symptoms, but affected the intensity, duration, and frequency of the attacks.

Additionally, CBD oils can treat migraines, cancer symptoms, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, depression, social anxiety, and many other issues.

Although it might be easier for people with a doctor’s prescription to get their hands on CBD, it’s not true that you have to suffer from a certain condition to use CBD products. However, it might be a good idea to consult your doctor first before making any purchases.

Since more and more products are available on the market to the public, you can try some oils and other CBD products on your own. Even if you’re as healthy as a horse, you might find some CBD oils excellent for relaxation, mood improvement, better sleep quality, and great skin.

So, you can enjoy CBD even if you’re healthy, as it is an entirely natural substance known for its calming and therapeutic properties.

3.      “High Doses of CBD Oil Are More Effective”

Many CBD users believe that a higher CBD dose is better than a lower one. Which is only logical, right? The more CBD you take, the more relaxed you are, but what if that’s not the case?

In reality, different doses of CBD oil can cause completely different reactions. For more serious conditions, it’s a good idea to have a doctor’s prescription with CBD dosage to avoid taking too much CBD unnecessarily. Even though higher CBD amounts might be necessary for these conditions, if you’re taking CBD recreationally, there’s no need to go overboard.

Lower CBD amounts can alleviate pain, inflammation, anxiety, and other issues with a lower risk of side effects. In contrast, higher CBD doses might not be as effective for some people as lower ones while increasing the chances of side effects. Some common side effects include diarrhea, fatigue, and changes in appetite.

That’s why it’s always better to start with lower amounts and slowly increase the dose until the perfect dosage is reached. With this strategy, everyone is avoiding taking too much CBD without getting better results.


To sum it up, various CBD oil misconceptions have caused its slow progress worldwide. However, more and more people choose to get proper education and raise awareness about CBD products and their countless benefits.

With this article, you’ll be able to disregard what you might’ve believed in before and see CBD products for what they indeed are – natural and harmless products helping the human body and mind in many different ways.

Justine Jones:
Justine has devoted her entire professional career and much of her personal life to the study of cannabis and CBD products. She maintains a healthy working relationship with top Cannabis and CBD companies in the US and UK. She loves to write and contributed 200+ articles to many CBD/Cannabis websites.

Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca  by  Justine Jones.  © 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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