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THC and CBD: Everything You Need to Know

THC and CBD: Everything You Need to Know

THC and CBD are the primary compounds that occur naturally in a Cannabis Sativa plant (cannabis). They are substances that work by interacting with the user’s cannabinoid receptors. However, they provide different effects.

CBD vs. THC: Definition

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, and it does not get you high when you consume it. It is the reason why you will find CBD in natural and dietary supplements. One can read more and discover how CBD is being used in various skincare products.

THC is the primary psychoactive compound present in a cannabis plant. Typically, it is responsible for causing the high feeling linked with recreational marijuana.

THC might work by imitating the effects of 2-AG and anandamide. A human body produces these neurotransmitters naturally, and they help to modulate different processes like eating habits and sleeping.

CBD vs. THC: Interaction with cannabinoid receptors

THC and CBD have differences that affect how they can interact with a human ECS (endocannabinoid system). These cannabinoids interact with the ECS and its specialized receptors (CB2 & CB1). Thus, it is through such interaction that they can augment the ECS and promote balance.

Nonetheless, how CBD and THC interact with cannabinoid receptors vary. For instance, THC might directly bind with CB2 and CB1 receptors, but it provides a higher affinity for a person’s CB1 receptors.

CBD, on the other hand, has a little affinity for both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Usually, CBD works as an indirect antagonist of the cannabinoid agonists. It implies that CBD can reduce CB2 and CB1 activating characteristics of other cannabis compounds. Also, CBD might interact with non-cannabinoid receptors like vanilloid receptor TRPV-1 and 5-HT1A receptors.

CBD vs. THC: The cannabis plant having the compound

CBD vs. THC: The cannabis plant having the compound

CBD and THC are present throughout the flowers, stalks, and seeds of both marijuana and hemp. The two compounds exist in a cannabis plant in different proportions.

THC is most abundant in marijuana, also known as pot or weed. CBD is plentiful in the hemp plant, a source of the CBD for various CBD oil products. One can buy cannabis seeds and vape them to get immediate results.

THC is dominant in marijuana’s chemical makeup. Usually, farmers cultivate marijuana mainly to optimize its THC potency. People have been manipulating and cloning marijuana over many decades with an emphasis on enhancing the THC concentration, and of course, to produce more powerful intoxicating properties.

Whereas THC content might be as low as 3% in marijuana, some marijuana strains today might contain about 12% THC. Also, some have as high as 30% THC.

On the contrary, CBD dominates the chemical makeup of the hemp plant. The hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC content. Therefore, hemp naturally has more CBD than THC to make it a suitable source of CBD than the cannabis plant.

CBD vs. THC: Molecular differences

CBD vs. THC: Molecular differences

THC and CBD are structural isomers; they have the same chemical composition with different atomic arrangements. The two cannabinoids share the C21H30O2 molecular formula and 314.4 g/mol molecular weights.

There is a slight difference between the atomic arrangement of CBD and THC. They are cyclic compounds, and therefore, one or more chains of atoms can connect to form a ring.

THC comes with a closed ring with an ester group. CBD supports an open ring and comes in an alkene and hydroxyl group. Thus, it is these slight differences between the compounds that have a dramatic impact on how they interact with the user’s ECS’s receptors.

CBD vs. THC: Usages

It is possible to use THC along with CBD. Both can work together to deliver the benefits that come with CBD and THC. However, some circumstances require you to use only THC or CBD.

THC has recreational and medical usages, but a few places have legalized recreational use of THC. The main applications of THC are:

  • Pain – THC interacts with a person’s endocannabinoid system to help with pain management.
  • Appetite loss – many people overlook the loss of appetite, but it can be a symptom of a sickness. THC helps with appetite loss by inhibiting the production of leptin to make the user hungrier.
  • Eating disorders – THC can work to curb eating disorders like anorexia. Undereating can lead to adverse effects, including mental illness. Thus, THC use might help treat the psychological issue and physical outcomes like a low appetite.
  • Epilepsy – THC might help to ease the symptoms that come with this kind of health condition.

CBD usages are:

  • Pain – CBD affects the user’s endocannabinoid system to relieve pain. Pain can be chronic or temporary. Also, it can affect various parts of your body. Depending on the type of pain, you can use CBD oil, CBD-infused products, or vape it. An animal study reveals that CBD can reduce inflammation and pain caused by arthritis.
  • Skin issues – CBD might fight inflammation and prevent acne to achieve better-looking skin. You can apply the different CBD-infused cosmetics on the skin to realize its benefits. For example, there is CBD-infused lip balm that you can use to moisturize your lips and skin.
  • Anxiety – a prevalent health issue that might affect one in five Americans. It might be distressing and can lead to additional health problems. CBD impacts the endocannabinoid centers and causes a calming effect on the user to alleviate anxiety.
  • Nausea – CBD helps fight nausea by affecting the gastrointestinal tract to relieve any symptoms due to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Using CBD might relax the lower esophageal sphincter to reduce the likelihood of gastroesophageal reflux illness. To reap in these benefits, make sure you check out the shop weedsmart collection, which offers a premium CBD range.


Learning about cannabis helps you have a better understanding of the two primary cannabinoids (THC and CBD). It is crucial to remember that these compounds are present in the same plant. Thus, they may have various similar effects, such as alleviating pain.

You can use them for medicinal reasons since THC can help with appetite loss, pain, cancer, epilepsy, and eating issues, among others. CBD fights similar health issues like nausea, anxiety, depression, and pain.

The differences between them come in the plants in which you can find them, psychoactive effects, and their molecules. Also, it is crucial to know what the laws say about THC and CBD. It helps you buy THC or CBD products that are legal.


Jessica SmithHeader image Source
Jessica Smith 

Jessica is a cannabis and health industry consultant who frequently writes about the latest trends in the industry. She has been writing for a long time now. Through her writing, she hopes to influence as many people as possible to help maintain better health and lifestyle.

See Jessica Here: Facebook - LinkedIn - Twitter

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Jessica Smith.

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